Categoría Oddities

How did Islam come about?

Islam emerged in the 6th century in Arabia, a region of the Middle East that was inhabited at the time by about 5 million people. “They were both sedentary and nomadic groups, organized into tribes and clans. The population was…

How is the mela formed?

(/) 1. The eye dumps a lot of fluid over the course of a night’s sleep. In addition to the secretion of the conjunctival membrane, which protects the eyeball from foreign bodies, there is the tear, whose function is to…

How can a person die of cold?

The normal temperature of the human body (37ºC) is regulated by a region of the brain called the hypothalamus – it makes us sweat when the body needs to cool down and makes us shiver when we need to preserve…

Who invented the vestibular?

The entrance exam was created in Brazil in 1911, by a politician named Rivadávia da Cunha Corrêa. At the time, he was Minister of Justice and Interior Affairs and decided to take an exam to select who could enter public…

Why is Saturday feijoada day?

(/) Habits do not always have precise explanations, but it is most likely that the custom of eating feijoada on Saturdays (in São Paulo, feijoada is also eaten on Wednesdays) is a Portuguese heritage. The Lusitanians are not as passionate…