Categoría Oddities

What are biodigesters?

»> They are relatively simple manufacturing equipment, which makes it possible to reuse waste to generate gas and fertilizer, also called biogas and biofertilizers. The biodigester is generally fed with food waste and animal feces, plus water. Inside the device,…

How is an autopsy done?

A medical examiner opens and analyzes the organs of three body cavities: skull, chest and abdomen, to discover the circumstances and causes of death. Only three situations require this type of examination: 1) violent or suspicious death, when the body…

How many flags has Brazil had?

Until 1645, Brazil used the same standards as Portugal. Then it started to have its own. And there were many: in over 500 years, the country has already displayed ten flags. “These exchanges always reflect political changes that occur in…

Strawberry has seed?

(/) Reader question – Paulo Tiago Martins da Costa, Santa Bárbara, MG Yes. The seeds are the little yellow dots on the outside. They are called achenes and are the true fruits of the strawberry plant. The rest of the…

What is the origin of popcorn?

(/) Nobody knows for sure, but everything indicates that it appeared in America over a thousand years ago. The first Europeans who arrived on the continent described popcorn, unknown to them, as a corn-based snack used by the Indians both…

How was the founding of Israel?

It was officially announced on May 14, 1948. The creation of Israel was based on a resolution approved a year earlier at the United Nations (UN) and which foresaw the division of the then territory of Palestine into two states:…

Who were the Templars?

(Disclosure/Reproduction/Wikimedia Commons) They emerged as a kind of religious army: an order formed by knightly monks to protect Jerusalem after the city’s conquest, in the twelfth century, by the Crusades – expeditions organized by European Christian powers to take the…