Categoría Oddities

Who were the ninjas?

Ninja Turtles They were the creators of a Japanese martial art known as ninjutsu. “It is a set of espionage and assassination tactics, practiced by masked warriors, specialists in fraudulent tricks”, says historian Masanori Fukushima, from Takushoku University, in Japan.…

What was Noah’s ark like?

ILLUSTRATES Tom WombEDITION Felipe van Deursen – (Tom Belly/Strange World) READ THE REPORT “THE STORIES THAT THE BIBLE DIDN’T TELL”– Ark of Noah– Exodus– Samson– David– Fall of Jerusalem– Crucifixion ZOO-FERRYGod chose Noah to build a huge boat and escape…

How are diamonds cut?

The process – which, in addition to perfecting the shape of the diamond, serves to polish it – is done by hand. The quality of the cut is not only essential to determine the value of a jewel, but it…

How did the pen come about?

In all likelihood, the great-great-grandfathers of modern pens were small brushes that the Chinese used to write around 1000 BC After them, various objects coexisted in the hands of different peoples of antiquity. Around 300 BC, bamboo sticks were popular…

What do tarot cards mean?

– () A fortune telling is based on randomness. The letters from tarot are drawn at random and O tarologist analyzes the images to interpret situations and direct attitudes of those who seek this oracle. The most traditional tarot deck…