Categoría Oddities

How is quicksand formed?

Sand It occurs when a piece of sand becomes so soaked that, instead of behaving like a solid, it acquires the properties of a viscous liquid. However, contrary to what Hollywood leads us to believe, this geographic accident does not…

Who invented comics?

The first modern comic book was created by the American artist Richard Outcault in 1895. “The language of comics, with the adoption of a fixed character, fragmented action in frames and little text balloons, appeared in the sensationalist newspapers of…

How does a penile implant work?

The surgery is very simple and common. It can even be done in several states of Brazil. Just to give you an idea, around 2,000 men receive a bionic penis every year around here. This type of procedure consists of…

Why does yeast make dough rise?

It is composed of living beings: microscopic fungi – called yeasts – that feed on sugar, releasing carbonic gas and alcohol. When the dough is heated in the oven, the yeasts multiply, ingesting the sugar and starch contained in the…

What is tutti-frutti flavor made of?

It depends on the country, region and availability of raw materials. In Brazil, the tutti-frutti of candies, chewing gum, lollipops, jellies and Brazilian ice cream is based on the aroma of banana and the flavor of orange. But these fruits…

How was Christ the Redeemer built?

The 38-meter-tall statue weighing over a thousand tons took five years to build. It can be said that it was created with six hands. The engineer Heitor da Silva Costa made the first project, the plastic artist Carlos Oswald was…

Why do roosters crow at dawn?

As in so many other species, the basic instinct of male chickens is to exercise and maintain control over a given territory, which includes not only a physical space, but also a population – in this case, the chicken coop.…

How was photography invented?

Photography Although it appeared in the 19th century, photography began to be invented in antiquity, when the principle of the “camera obscura” was discovered. All you have to do is completely close off a place – from a large room…