Categoría Oddities

Why do people hiccup?

»> All types of hiccups are related to a problem in the nervous system. The most common one, which passes after a few minutes, is caused by irritation of the phrenic nerve. This nerve is important because it triggers the…

Why do we feel ticklish?

(/) They are related to the body’s reaction to situations of fear and panic. That’s why tickling often manifests itself through uncomfortable laughter. They are probably a primitive response, with the aim of making the body react in case, for…

Who were Hitler’s right-hand men?

There were at least three types of accomplices of the German dictator: helpers in the founding and organization of the Nazi party, from 1920 onwards, members of the party in State functions after the seizure of power in January 1933,…

How is fart formed?

Under normal conditions, most of the gases that form farts come from our mouths. Only 10% of these gases arise in the fermentation of food along our large intestine. The rest is nothing more than air that we accidentally swallow…

Was Tancredo Neves murdered?

Illustrates Marcos de Lima Edition Felipe van Deursen A CIVILIAN IN POWER Tancredo Neves, from Minas Gerais, was the first civilian president elected after the military dictatorship, which lasted 21 years in the country (1964-1985). On January 15, 1985, in…