Categoría Oddities

What was the first published book?

books As we know it today, the Bible. Johannes Gutenberg, creator of the innovative press with movable types, worked for five years to publish the work in 1455. At the time, around 200 copies of 642 pages were produced, which…

Who are the Eight Immortals?

Question from the reader – Pedro Lemos – Contagem, MG They are a group of mythological deities Chinese words that appear in legends and traditional texts of Taoist doctrine. They act like Super heroes saints and act in the lives…

How are eyeglass lenses made?

»> It depends on the material used in its manufacture. In the case of glass or crystal models, thick slices of these materials are broken by a special saw. The pieces are cut into circular shapes and heated until pliable.…

How did crocodiles evolve?

It was a slow process that began 250 million years ago, in the Triassic period, with the emergence of crocodilotarsians. These animals had a specific joint in the ankle, allowing the paw to move laterally – and which still exists…

What was a medieval siege like?

Siege was one of the most common military tactics of the Middle Ages. Instead of fighting a bloody pitched battle, the army that intended to conquer a certain castle or fortification would position itself around that construction, preventing the enemies…