Categoría Oddities

Why do dogs eat grass from time to time?

»> To improve your digestive process. “It is normal behavior and should not cause concern”, says veterinarian Mauro Lantzman, from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP). Although they are not vegetarians, dogs, as well as other carnivorous animals…

How are musical styles defined?

Invisible and elusive, music is certainly the most malleable of all forms of expression. These qualities make the task of describing, classifying and labeling it extremely difficult and thankless. It can be said, however, that its basis is rhythm, or…

Why is Mecca important to Islam?

(/) Because there is the sanctuary of Ka’bah, built in the second millennium BC. According to Islamic tradition, Ka’bah is the only place on Earth touched by celestial forces. It was also in Mecca that Mohammed (570-652), founder of the…

What separates history from prehistory?

It is not a specific date, but one of the most important inventions of humanity: writing. “History has as its main object of study societies that possess or possessed writing, while pre-historians dedicate themselves to obtaining information about human groups…

The Secret History of Minerva McGonagall

McGonagall’s mother ran away from home as a young girl – (strange world/strange world) Isobel Ross, Minerva’s mother, fell madly in love with Robert McGonagall, a Presbyterian minister who lived in the same village. Knowing that her parents would not…