Categoría Oddities

What are sweeteners made of?

Some come ready-made from nature. This is the case of stevioside, better known as stevia, extracted from a plant traditionally consumed by Brazilian Indians. Others emerged in the laboratory – several of them by accident. Aspartame, for example, was discovered…

The 100 coolest addresses on the net

It’s true that you can’t live without the world wide web anymore. But surviving the overdose of information it offers isn’t easy either. So you don’t get lost among billions and billions of pages, we’ve selected the 100 coolest addresses…

The inescapable prison of Alcatraz

Three factors ensured this justifiable fame: the location of the prison, its strict disciplinary rules and the large number of guards. “Alcatraz is an island surrounded by very cold waters and strong sea currents – this made it difficult to…

Is there a fifth dimension?

There is no proof that there are more dimensions than the four we know – three of space (height, width and volume) and one of time. But for most theoretical physicists, the fifth dimension does exist. We just can’t detect…