Categoría Oddities

How do puffer fish swell?

1. Puffer is the popular name given to about 150 species of fish capable of inflating their bodies when they feel threatened by a predator. Bloating is a defense mechanism for the pufferfish to appear much larger than it is…

How does nitro work in cars?

Nitrous literally gives the engine a gas: it increases the amount of oxygen entering the cylinders. It is as if, for a few seconds, it expanded the volume of an engine from 1.0 liters to 1.4 liters, for example. But,…

How is coconut water formed?

It appears during the formation of the coconut seed and serves as a food reserve for the embryo, a structure that will give rise to a new plant. The embryo is born from the union of a female sex cell…

What are psychosomatic illnesses?

These are illnesses caused or aggravated by emotional instability. Unlike somatization, which is diagnosed by doctors when symptoms of a illness manifest themselves but no physical effects are observed on the body, psychosomatics have verifiable effects on the body. A…

How does a car engine work?

The main function of the engine is to transform fuel into energy capable of generating movement in the wheels. The heart of this system is a small combustion chamber called a cylinder. Inside each cylinder – passenger cars usually have…

Why is liquor considered a digestif?

»> Because most liqueurs have in their formula ingredients that help digestion, such as fruits, herbs and flowers. “The rule is this: if the active principles of the drink’s components are digestive, it will be too. The famous orange blossom…