Categoría Oddities

What are the main divine angels?

Angels act as lawyers and doctors for humans. When they are not among us, they are prefects of celestial areas and warriors of the divine. MIGUEL When the human being was created, he led the choir of angels that praised…

What is Karma?

karma Reader question – Gabriel Vinicius, Ferraz de Vasconcelos, SP ACTION AND REACTION In Indian philosophy and religions, karma is a kind of universal law of cause and effect. It dictates that every action has future consequences, which depend on…

How to survive in the wild?

To stay alive in an unknown and hostile environment it is necessary to take care of eight key points: water, food, shelter, fire, body, orientation, displacement and signaling. Furthermore, someone who gets lost in the jungle, either because he deviated…

How do antipyretic drugs work?

»> A fever is always a sign that something is wrong with your health: whether it’s an infection, inflammation, or a nervous system injury. In these cases, the human body begins to produce a greater amount of the enzyme prostaglandin…

Sex addictive? Is there treatment?

It’s rare, but it can be addictive. The official name of sex compulsion is “excessive sexual drive” and this uncontrolled craving is not a reason to be proud of anyone. The sick person can be harmed at work or in…