Categoría Dogs & Puppies

Education & Experience Tips

Time, patience and experience are the three most important points when you decide to adopt a Romanian street dog. Because with this four-legged friend there is a big task ahead. In this article you will find out what needs to…

11 Causes & When to the Vet

If your dog smacks his lips at night, there can be many different reasons. In this article you will find out which causes contribute to your dog smacking his lips at night and how you can recognize and remedy them.…

6 Common Causes & Tips

If dogs show symptoms that can indicate a serious illness, our hearts often slip into our pants. After all, diarrhea or vomiting are things a healthy dog ​​won’t do. Or maybe yes? What does it look like when you realize:…

Is the? We clarify

You want to go on vacation, but don’t want to leave your furry friend at home. if you one large breed over 8 kg the question arises as to whether you are allowed to fly with a large dog in…