Categoría Canine

Barf for puppies test

In addition to an increased protein and fat content, a puppy also has an increased need for many other nutrients: He needs more calcium and less phosphorus than an adult dog, and the need for vitamins A, D3 and E…

Anifit dog food test

The best Anifit dog food in the test & comparison Anifit Widow Bolte's Terror Anifit Easy Barf Horse Anifit to the Golden Ox Anifit Schäfer's pan Anifit RYANIMAL Vital Menu Pure Goat Meat In our dog food test & comparison,…

Dog sleeps a lot: causes & solutions

5. Pains Pains However, they can also be caused by things other than infections or injuries. Chronic suffering, For example, joint diseases such as arthritis or arthrosis also lead to the dog resting as much as possible. Then he prefers…