Categoría Canine

Top 15 causes & tips

5. Injuries to the mouth Dog saliva has a certain quality antibacterial effect: According to a study, mother animals use it, for example, to rid their puppies of germs. This is probably also a reason why the four-legged friends try…

Chihuahua dog food recommendations

Chihuahuas: Small but mighty Chihuahuas are one of the smallest, but also oldest dog breeds ever. Around a thousand years ago, four-legged animals that came very close to today's standards lived in the northern Mexican region of the same name.…

Reasons & tips for improvement

5. Injuries & Wounds If your dog is out and about often and without direct supervision, the risk of becoming infected increases Wounds to pull in. Typical causes are bites and scratches from other four-legged friends. But thorny bushes can…