Categoría All About Pets

10 facts about geese

10 facts about geese – Foundation for Animal Welfare in Germany After hatching, goslings first have to learn who their mother is and have no innate mother image. The chicks follow or imprint on the «object» they see first. Therefore,…

Dangerous foods for dogs

The way to a dog’s heart is through its stomach – this well-known saying could be taken as an invitation to owners to share their own food with their pets. But even if it looks like a loving gesture, if…

Animal shelter tiger has moved

New big cat station opened in Rhineland-Palatinate demands legal changes, but also offers concrete measures in the form of big cat stations and sanctuaries to help big cats out of poor housing conditions. Big cats that have lived in captivity…

language of the cat

When living with humans, cats quickly learn to read their current mood from their body language, the sound of their voice and their eye contact. She has a very good sense of emotions such as nervousness, fear, affection or joy.…

Stray help in Romania

became active in Romania because, in order to reduce the stray population, the dogs were being killed – often with very inhumane methods. To date, Romanian legislation allows euthanasia as a means of combating stray dogs. To reduce the suffering…

Identify signs of pain in animals

Pain reduces an animal’s quality of life and has far-reaching negative consequences if not properly managed, ultimately shortening the animal’s life. Animals hide pain Hiding pain is a useful evolutionary trait that animals have evolved over thousands of years. It…

Rescues & Achievements

June 2023 – FELIDA A young big cat in the midst of war More Aug. 2017 – FOREST SCHOOL For the younger ones a loving older sister, for Eska a good friend More Jan. 2018 – FOREST SCHOOL From a…