Categoría All About Pets

Safe handling of street dogs

In Western Europe it is quite rare to see stray dogs on the street. However, some of Southeast Asia’s most popular tourist destinations have large numbers of stray animals and little is being done to address the problem or control…

10 interesting facts about gorillas

10 facts about gorillas – Foundation for Animal Welfare in Germany There are two species of gorillas: western gorillas and eastern gorillas. These are in turn divided into two subspecies: the western lowland gorilla, which lives in West Africa, and…

The lynx in Germany

Eurasian lynxes were once distributed from the Pyrenees to the Pacific coast of Asia. In Central Europe, they were one of the big carnivores, along with bears and wolves. But in the 19th century, the secret forest dwellers were almost…

where is mojo White lion missing

Notice: In this article we deal with the white lion Mojo, which disappeared from private ownership in Saxony-Anhalt in 2021. There is no connection with the current case of a lioness in Kleinmachnow near Berlin. The private keeping of exotic…

10 fascinating facts about pigs

10 fascinating facts about pigs – Foundation for Animal Welfare in Germany The pig is one of the most intelligent animals on our planet. They are even smarter than dogs and some primate species. They are very clean animals, strictly…


In just 32 days a broiler its battle weight. Like hardly any other type of livestock, rapid growth and highly intensified husbandry lead to suffering, illness and damage. In the EU, more than six billion broilers slaughtered, 756 million of…