Categoría All About Pets

interventions in sheep

Imagine a sheep: fluffy, soft and cute. We all have positive associations with these animals, be it from real encounters or from the «bedtime stories» of our childhood. So how can you not love sheep?Unfortunately, the whole thing also has…

Download Animal Memory

Most animals are shy of people and hide in the natural wild. If they live in zoos, they are often denied this because they are supposed to be seen by visitors. In the animal protection centers we try to create…

live pluck

Live plucking is actually forbidden by law in the EU. But some companies found a loophole. Under the synonym «live on it», which is supposed to be a weakened form of plucking, live plucking is still common today. Countries within…

life expectancy of sheep

Do you know off the top of your head which wild animal our domestic sheep came from? Sheep are the domesticated form of the mouflon. Their domestication probably took place 10,000 years ago, and humans have been using sheep’s meat…

Start of tick season

Danger: Not only your pet can be infected by a tick bite with disease carriers. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) warns that ticks can also transmit a large number of infectious diseases to humans. This applies in particular to TBE…

Detail Clean Meat

While an animal always has to die for meat, «Cultivated Meat» is produced by removing muscle stem cells from the living animal – so no animal has to die for it. The procedure of removing stem cells is comparable to…

Clicker training for pets

During clicker training, the animal is given a signal that it has behaved correctly. The most commonly used signal is a «click» sound, generated by pressing a small handheld device called a «clicker». One click makes it clear to the…

Group of guinea pigs

The right composition of the guinea pig group is crucial for the positive cooperation of these social animals. Even if there are no fixed rules, it is not just the sex that is decisive when it comes to keeping them,…