Categoría All About Pets

When the dog hunts

Dog owners are repeatedly confronted with their dog’s hunting instinct. For example, the four-legged friend hunts deer or rabbits – and in the worst case even kills them. The same fate can befall other wild animals. Hunting dogs are not…

Moving with a cat

Moving day is usually very worrying for your four-legged friend as there is a lot of hustle and bustle. There are two ways you can reduce your cat’s stress levels: Option 1: Your cat will stay in the old apartment…

squirrel in distress

Baby squirrels are born from January to September. They stay with their parents for up to four months. Squirrel parents often have to travel long distances to find food for their offspring. These often lead over busy roads. They are…

10 facts about orangutans

10 facts about orangutans – Foundation for Animal Welfare in Germany «Orangutan» means «person of the forest» in Malay and Bahasa Indonesian. There are three species of orangutan: Bornean orangutan, Sumatran orangutan and the Tapanuli orangutan. All are at high…

garden for the dog

If you don’t want garden plants to suffer from a dog, you should separate your ornamental garden from the dog garden. Read here how this is best done and what else needs to be considered. Dog owners with large plots…