Reasons why you should not snoop on your partner’s cell phone

The 4 reasons why you should not check your partner’s cell phone without their consent are the ones that we explain below:

1.- It is addictive.

“Checking someone’s cell phone is like scratching a rash. It itches, so you think scratching it will give you some kind of relief. But on the contrary, the more you scratch, the more it spreads and the more you need to scratch.» the specialist said. “The best policy is to never scratch. Even if you don’t find anything suspicious when you check his phone, you’ll now associate the act of checking with a feeling of relief. So any time you seek relief, you may need the urge to snoop through his cell phone.»he alerted.

2.- It is a situation in which you always lose.

“If you check your partner’s phone or email you face the dilemma of dealing with what your actions throw up. If you find nothing, the relief you feel will quickly be replaced with guilt and now you will be stuck with the uncomfortable feeling that you violated the privacy and trust of the person you love and that they have done nothing wrong, “said the expert.

However, if, on the contrary, you find a suspicious conversation or call, you will have to decide whether to confront the person (and admit, by the way, that you saw their cell phone without their permission) or keep it a secret while your remorse eats you. “Both of these sound like pretty sorry situations to be in,” he said.

3.- If you want a partner you can trust, be a partner you can trust.

According to Tempesta, “If you suspect that you can’t trust your partner and check their devices, then you become someone who can’t be trusted. Treat others the way you would like to be treated. If there is a quality that you value in your boyfriend, you should fulfill this quality on your part.

4.- You could put other confidential information at risk.

“Many people have confidential information related to their jobs on their cell phones and computers. If you are checking your colleague’s devices, you could cause big problems in the workplace”, the expert warned.

To this, he added that “In some professions it could mean a breach of privacy or you could jeopardize protected health information. Is it worth putting your partner’s job or professional credibility on the line to satisfy your curiosity?»

According to the psychotherapist, the next time you feel like checking your partner’s cell phone, keep the following in mind: “It makes a difference if it is a simple curiosity or if it is a nagging feeling in your stomach that something is wrong”.

“It’s natural for us to be curious about what our partner does. We have minds that seek information. (But) We also have the ability to exercise control of our impulses and make decisions in line with our values ​​and moral sense. If it’s just curiosity, take it as normal, and then anchor yourself to your values ​​and channel your willpower «, advised.

Source: Report21