In our following breed portrait we go to the south of Europe, to Portugal. Here there is not only enough sun and sea, but also some dog breeds.
One of these is the Rafeiro do Alentejothe one from the south of the country originates.
what itself everything is hidden behind the imposing statuewe will now tell you in detail.
Rafeiro do Alentejo fact sheet
Size Male: 66 to 74 cm, female: 64 to 70 cmWeightMale: 40 to 50 kg, female: 35 to 45 kgColorsWolf Gray, Gray, Black, Fawn, Yellow, BrindleLife expectancy12 to 14 yearsOriginPortugalcharacter/temperamentsober, caring, calm, relaxed, territorial, confident, independentFCI groupGroup 2: Pinscher and Schnauzer – Molosser – Swiss Mountain Dogs and other breeds, Section 2.2: Molossoids, mountain dogs
The Rafeiro do Alentejo has one massive, muscular and stocky bodythe of long, strong legs will be carried.
The square head of the dog is from little floppy ears framed and acts in comparison to the body quite small.
The rod of the quadruped is slightly crescent shaped and will carried down.
Height Weight
The Rafeiro do Alentejo is one of them large dog breeds. That also proves height and weight of the dog.
males have a Height at the withers from 66 to 74 centimetres, female dogs a Height from 64 to 70 centimeters.
weigh male between 40 and 50 kilograms, female bring between 35 and 45 kilograms on the scales.
Coat, coat texture & coat colors
The short to medium length, dense and smooth coat of the Rafeiro do Alentejo bred in the following colors become:
- wolf grey
- Black
- brindle
- Yellow
- Gray
- fawn
These colors are coming mostly in combination before, where White the base color is.
Eye Shape & Eye Color
The Rafeiro do Alentejo has very small, round eyes of dark colour.
The furrow between the eyes like that though semblance of serenity awaken – but there is nothing escapes those watchful eyes.
History & origin of the Rafeiro do Alentejo
The Rafeiro do Alentejo is one portuguese dog breed. Where exactly the dog originates is not known.
Until the 20th century was he an important Protection dog for shepherds and farmers in the Alentejo. He also acted as Status symbol of Portuguese landowners.
One theory of origin the race is that the Ancestors crossed with Portuguese Cão da Serra da Estrela became.
The FCI recognized the breed in 1954 at.
Essence & character of the Rafeiro do Alentejo
The Rafeiro do Alentejo has a independent and autonomous being.
These qualities are paired with a high self-confidence and one healthy self-confidence.
So faithful and loyal the portuguese can be so he is not very suitable as a family dog. Because that’s what it’s for calm dog with the easy-going nature just didn’t do it.
He’s a dog that Strictly speaking, people do not need it at all – because it is designed by nature to to take care of yourself. This breed of dog is extremely independent.
So what does that mean for you and your potential new roommate? Ideally one coexistence at eye level.
Then subordinate or obey grandly will this one independent dog not. Neither will he Tolerate strangers into his territory.
Then it’s over with the cozy and comfortable temperament and the dog draws rather unpleasant pages.
Who dares territorial four-legged friends disputed his domain to do will initially posed.
If that doesn’t help, she comes genetically determined sharpness to the fore and the Rafeiro do Alentejo attacks.
So you see: a simple or even cuddled dog this Portuguese breed definitely is not.
But the creature has a small advantage. The Rafeiro do Alentejo has absolutely no problems with leaving alone.
We even suspect that he does prefers solitude to most people.
attitude & upbringing
Now let’s look at what influence the size, character and temperament of the Rafeiro do Alentejo on his attitude and upbringing take.
Beginner + Rafeiro do Alentejo? Please do not! because you have no dog experienceyou will with this portuguese giant not get along.
The dog don’t give a fuck about subordination, ranking and obedience and would prefer to do all the work by myself.
Added to this is a impressive fighting weightthat’s a lot requires physical strength on your partso that the dog does not drag or knock you over.
consistency, assertiveness and a high understanding of this breed are other things in the upbringing of the Rafeiro do Alentejo a superior role play.
The Rafeiro do Alentejo stays true to its name in attitude. As a dog from the Portuguese region of Alentejo does he need space and lots of it.
Because with big cities and small apartments the four-legged friend bred as a livestock guardian not from.
So please forget the combo apartment + Rafeiro do Alentejobecause this is going to be easy not work.
A House with garden is already better, but still will topped off by a farm with plenty of grazing land and herds to match.
Because actually the Rafeiro do Alentejo can lead a species-appropriate, happy and healthy life.
Health & Care
What about the Health of the Rafeiro do Alentejo? Lie with the breed diseases and health problems before?
You will now receive the important answers together with the Information on the care of the Portuguese.
Life expectancy
The Rafeiro do Alentejo enjoys robust health Life expectancy from 12 to 14 years.
The Rafeiro do Alentejo is practically unknown outside of Portugal.
That has one positive side effect on his healththe free from diseases typical of the breed is and therefore does not cause any problems.
only the Joints can cause him problemssince he is a very large dog – key point Elbow & Hip Dysplasia/ED & HD.
You want to make sure it’s yours Rafeiro do Alentejo always goes well? Then please forget not the following things:
- Protection against ecto- and endoparasites such as fleas and worms
- check-ups by your veterinarian
- Age and species appropriate diet and exercise
- vaccination protectionthat meets all protection requirements
General Grooming & Grooming
What the general care of the Rafeiro do Alentejo concerns, you should always use one pay special attention to these parts of the body have:
- Anus
- ears
- Eyes
- mouth/teeth
- paws/claws
Here you can inflammation arise, the result in diseases and problems can.
The fur opposes no high demands to the care and only has to Cleaned of dirt 2 – 3 times a week become.
Is the Rafeiro do Alentejo right for me?
How does it actually look with your compatibility out of? Fits the Rafeiro do Alentejo to you and you to him?
Find it using the following statements easily out.
- you are looking for one independent and confident dog.
- You want a dog that you at eye level are you.
- You are looking for a dog that you not permanently at the skirt end hangs.
- You want a dog that has a strong protective instinct brings.
Please also note that these things apply to you:
- You dare Upbringing and attitude of this character head to.
- You have the time and leisurehim to employ and keep in a species-appropriate manner.
- You have the financial meansto give him a species-appropriate life to be able to offer.
can you behind ours Statements a tick set? Then we wish you and your Rafeiro do Alentejo a harmonious coexistence. 😊
Fun facts about the Rafeiro do Alentejo
Last but not least – or, as the Portuguese would say: «Por ultimo, mas não menos importante» – still a few fun facts about the Rafeiro do Alentejo.
Rafeiro do Alentejo puppies from serious breeding cost around €1,200.
The Rafeiro do Alentejo is too as Alentejo Mastiff known.
The Rafeiro do Alentejo is considered one of the most difficult dog breeds to train in the world.
The Rafeiro do Alentejo is true no list dog in any federal state. Nevertheless, the dog has to have one in some federal states so-called character test take off.
who on the Find an easy-going pet is, is at the Rafeiro do Alentejo at the absolutely wrong address.
The Rafeiro do Alentejo is especially active at night and best guarded during this time.
Can you think of more information and stories about this fur nose? Then we would be happy if you share them with us in the comments. 😊