Three cats are enjoying their food, which was served to them in a beautiful deep plate in the front room of the house. Next to the feeding plate is a bowl of water.
The cats don’t notice that a raccoon is sneaking up behind them…
Stalk first, attack later
Suddenly, the little bandit appears right behind the cats and claims his place at the food bowl. Frightened, the cats retreat and hiss at the intruder.
Source: YouTube Screenshot; Channel: @RigoGonzalez23
Then they just watch in disbelief what the uninvited guest is up to.
As soon as a raccoon picks something up, it automatically makes the typical washing movement. This little bandit is no exception.
But he doesn’t just rub the cat food between his paws – no, he has the water bowl!
Nothing gets clean with this wash
No joke – the raccoon actually uses the water to wash the cat food. Bit by bit he takes it out of the food bowl and “washes” it in the water bowl.
Source: YouTube Screenshot; Channel: @RigoGonzalez23
Slowly but surely he’s making a huge mess. The water squirts out of the bowl and everything is soaked with dissolved cat food. But the raccoon seems to like the meal.
He’s so busy at work that he doesn’t even realize he’s being stared at with triple cat shakes and filmed by a human.
Source: YouTube Screenshot; Channel: @RigoGonzalez23
Only when the filming person gets closer to the bandit does he get frightened and run away a bit. But not far, because it’s not finished yet.
He immediately returns to his washing place. But somehow it’s getting too uncomfortable for him.
He looks around with a mischievous look, then quickly grabs two handfuls of cat food.
With the prey in his hands, he runs away on his hind legs. What a sight!
Source: YouTube Screenshot; Channel: @RigoGonzalez23
Adorably funny little guy
You just can’t help but laugh out loud at this video. How good that Rigoberto Gonzalez published it on his YouTube channel RigoGonzalez 23.
It’s not only funny, but also – in an admittedly weird way – very cute how the raccoon behaves. The little bandit has conquered hearts around the world.
Bread comments:
«He seems to be like, ‘I don’t know how you guys can eat that stuff when it’s so dry.'»
Kishan Chali writes:
«The way he runs at the end is like something out of a cartoon.»
The scene looks familiar to Sniperyeti:
«This is the relative who comes to Thanksgiving dinner and is about to show up with a takeout plate.»
Are you ready to laugh tears? Then watch this video: