Rabisin vaccination in dogs against rabies: you need to know that

The Rabisin vaccination for dogs is one of the so-called core vaccinations for dogs. It protects against the life-threatening rabies.

Vaccination against the disease is no longer mandatory, but can be useful in some cases.

What you about the Rabisin vaccination in dogs need to know everything is explained in the following guide.

Rabisin vaccine for dogs: what is it and what is it used for?

The Rabisin vaccine for dogs is one so-called live vaccine. This means that the dog is vaccinated with rabies viruses – in this case from the G52 strain.

Before you panic: The viruses are inactive and cannot cause rabies in your dog.

So why vaccinate with it? The inactive pathogens activate the dog’s body’s own defenses.

The organism fights the virus and subsequently forms important antibodies that can significantly reduce the risk of contracting rabies later on.


Vaccination protection for the dog should always be comprehensive, as it means a very good defense against viruses & co. However, the protection is not 100%.

Although Rabisin is still one of the core vaccines, vaccination against rabies is no longer mandatory.

A dog should definitely be vaccinated against rabies if it lives in a rabies risk area and when traveling abroad.

Especially with hunting dog breeds, a rabies vaccination makes a lot of sense – here also in the form of boosters.

Because the disease, which is fatal if left untreated, is transmitted by raccoons and foxes, among other things.

Proper use and dosage of Rabisin vaccination in dogs

The correct dosage of the Rabisin vaccination in dogs depends on the body weight of the four-legged friend. It is between 0.5 ml and 1.0 ml injection solution.

Even puppies can be given basic immunization with a Rabisin vaccination and the right dosage for them. The following vaccination rule applies here:

  • Puppies from unvaccinated mothers: from the age of 4 weeks
  • Puppies from vaccinated mothers: from the age of 3 months

Rabisin vaccination in dogs: how often to boost?

The booster vaccination does not take place every year, but only every three years.

Many veterinarians only recommend a booster if there is an acute risk of rabies or if you are planning to take your dog abroad.

How quickly does the Rabisin vaccination work in dogs?

The effect of the Rabisin vaccination in the dog begins two weeks after the completion of the puppy’s primary vaccination course.

The vaccine is then effective for up to three years, after which a booster dose may be recommended.

What side effects can the Rabisin vaccine cause in dogs?

The most common side effects of a Rabisin vaccine in dogs include: reddened skin at the injection site and possible lump formation.

These reactions to the vaccine usually go away on their own after a few days. A nodule can also form a few days after the vaccination.

Please discuss the possible risks and side effects of a Rabisin vaccination with your vet beforehand.

The formation of nodules in particular should not be taken lightly, even if they rarely occur as a rule, as sarcomas can form here.

It is also possible that the dog vaccinated with Rabisin is very listless and tired in the first few days.

In addition, the puncture site may be tender and slightly swollen for a few days.

Please always keep a close eye on the side effects. If you notice anything that the vet says shouldn’t be a reaction, please consult him immediately.

When should the dog not have a Rabisin vaccination?

Rabisin vaccination should not be given to dogs less than four weeks old.

Discuss possible vaccination risks for pregnant or lactating bitches with your veterinarian.

There are currently no studies that allow or exclude Rabisin vaccination during this time.

Where can I get the Rabisin vaccine for dogs?

The Rabisin vaccine is only available from the vet – because he is the person who injects the vaccine.

If the vet does not have the vaccine in stock, you may have to collect it from the pharmacy upon presentation of a prescription.

As with all vaccines, vaccination is a prescription veterinary medicinal product.

The costs that you should plan for the Rabisin vaccination/rabies vaccination are between 50 and 60 €.

What alternatives are there to the Rabisin vaccine for dogs?

There are several alternatives to the Rabisin vaccination for dogs, including Virbagen and Purevax Rabies.

The Novibac vaccination is also intended to guarantee immunity against the rabies virus, but strictly speaking it is a combined vaccination against, among other things, parvovirus.

Incidentally, an alternative vaccine does not necessarily contain the same strain of rabies virus, so it may be the more sensible vaccine for your dog on the advice of the veterinarian.

Has your dog been vaccinated with Rabisin yet? What experiences has he had? We’d love for you to share your experiences and tips with us in the comments.