Quick and easy rainbow nails (Tutorial)

We share a video that shows you step by step how to do a rainbow manicure, with a sponge!

When you meet a woman who has a manicure like this, you think “she had it done”, right? It seems that complicated paint your nails with a rainbow cross the whole hand, as if each color passed from one finger to the other. It’s really cute!


But if you think that it will take you a century to do it and that your enamels will be muddy or that you will ruin the colors due to the inevitable mixture between them, you are wrong. There is an easy and quick method to do this manicure… With a sponge!

It is really very easy. You just have to take into account some details:
  • Use a sponge to apply foundation
  • Protect the skin around your nails with micropore tape
  • You can also put Vaseline to avoid staining, but you have to do it carefully, because where you put the nail polish will not stick
  • If you still have a stained finger, wait for it to dry and remove it with a dab of nail polish remover, but be very careful!
Look at the following tutorial and dare to paint your nails yourself with a rainbow…

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