One more cycle has closed and the Earth restarts its orbit around the Sun. 2021 brought us amazing astronomical phenomena that were reflected in the best postcards of solar and lunar eclipses. But now 2022 shows its beauty with the first cosmic event that will be a meteor shower known as the Quadrantids, the first of the month of January. Schedule your appointment with the stars and give the celestial vault the opportunity to surprise you with its mysticism. Here we explain how to see the rain under the best conditions.
How does a meteor shower occur?
We can observe meteor showers in the sky thanks to the fact that the planet is reminiscent of cosmic dust (meteoroids) left behind by a comet or other space orb. When the Earth in its translation movement crosses a region with the presence of meteoroids, the Earth’s atmosphere meets said galactic material and an extremely interesting reaction occurs.
The friction causes atmospheric gases heat the meteoroid to the point of reaching such high temperatures that it ends up shining in the sky, what we know colloquially as shooting stars. This light produced by the interaction between the meteoroid and the atmosphere is scientifically called a meteor. Therefore, meteor showers are technically meteor showers and each one has a zenithal hourly rate different (number of observable meteors per hour).
Quadrantids Meteor Shower January 2022
The Quadrantids meteor shower is special, as its zenithal hourly rate is significant. It is above average rain with 40 meteors per hour, so it is ideal for lovers of shooting stars. In addition, the thin moon that will be in the waxing phase will only be illuminated by 1% and will keep the sky dark in order to clearly visualize the show.
All showers have as their parent a celestial body that scattered galactic material into space. In the case of the Quadrantids, find their origin in the comet 2003 EHsince they are produced annually thanks to the cosmic dust left in space by it.
When to see the Quadrantids meteor shower?
The Quadrantids appear in the skies of January between the 1st and the 5th of the month, but in the year 2022 its highest activity will occur between the night of the 3rd and the early morning of the 4th. During that night, the sky will be flooded with brilliant meteors that will cross the sky in all directions. But from the characteristics and location of the meteoroids in space, it will appear that the flashes They arise from the constellation Bootes.
Don’t worry if you don’t know the location of that constellation, the stars can still be seen anywhere in the sky. Bootes is only a reference, because it is from there that shooting stars leave to spread throughout the celestial vault.
Recommendations: How to see the meteor shower
Various meteor showers take place throughout the year, but the light pollution in big cities prevents us from enjoying them. This is why if you are planning to have a date with the Quadrantids the first requirement is to look for a clear sky of artificial light. All you have to do is look for a place on the outskirts of the big cities, with optimal dark conditions. Equally it is a open space to have the panorama clear of visual obstacles that prevent the tracking of the stars.
Another recommendation is do not use artificial light displays for at least 30 minutes before observing the astronomical event. Artificial light prevents us from getting used to the dark and blocks the ability to see in low light conditions. This is why it is recommended not to use devices with light screens minutes before turning towards the sky.
If you want to know the astronomical events that the Universe has in store for us month by month, we have prepared the 2022 astronomical calendar. Where you can check dates and all kinds of information necessary to enjoy cosmic events throughout the year.
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