The following situation: Your little, cute roommate has just moved in with you. After a few days of settling in, however, there is a tiny – or not so small – problem.
Your puppy pees every 5 to 10 minutes. Why is he doing this? Do you have to worry? Find out the answers in our guide below!
Why is my puppy peeing every 5 to 10 minutes?
The question of why he is doing this has various answers. Because it can different causes explain why your puppy feels like it’s constantly urinating.
Ideally, frequent urination lies only at the young age of your puppy.
However, other factors can also have a negative effect on the peeping behavior of small dogs. We will list these for you later.
How often is normal for a puppy to urinate?
A good question that actually has a puppy rule of thumb.
For example, a puppy pees for the first time 1 minute after waking up. If your puppy is only 3 weeks old, it will pee about every 45 minutes, which is very often.
So you see: Frequent urination is – depending on the puppy’s age – no cause for concern. On the other hand, constant peeing without urinating is a reason to visit the vet.
The intervals between pee breaks increase with age. If your little rascal is already 18 weeks old, he «only» has to pee every 2 hours.
Causes of peeing a lot
If your little puppy needs to pee every 5 minutes, this can be part of perfectly normal puppy behavior – but it doesn’t have to be.
There can also be health or psychological causes such as stress, separation pain or even one cystitis behind it.
So it’s great that you want to find out exactly what’s going on with your little fur nose.
separation pain
Maybe the little mouse has just moved in with you? Then it is very likely that they are still under Separation pain from mom and siblings suffers.
This can certainly express itself in increased peeing.
And the pain of separation again can lead to stress. Stress is another factor that can encourage frequent peeing in puppies.
The common thing about this stress or «stress pee»: It can lead to illnesses, for example the following.
bladder infections are usually bacterial infections. And these bacteria quickly sneak into the urinary tract.
Is your puppy suffering now? stressthat’s it perfect breeding ground for a urinary tract infection given.
Your puppy drinks a lot – but the peeing doesn’t always work out that well. Nevertheless, the little mouse often runs to a certain place in order to pee.
Have you ever had a bladder infection yourself? Then you know from painful experience that the constant attempt to urinate is one of the unpleasant side effects.
kidney disease
Under kidney problems, such as one renal insufficiency, older dogs tend to suffer. Nevertheless, it is possible that your puppy suffers from a hereditary kidney problem.
Does he drink a lot? Does he feel like he’s constantly urinating? Then it can be – but it doesn’t have to be!! – that he suffers from kidney disease.
Especially small dogs tend to be very easy to get excited about something – for example new people or you.
And anyone who has already lived with a puppy knows: sometimes the little fur nose is so excited that the pee just runs out.
So here’s pure joy as to why your pup might be peeing all the time.
What can I do for my puppy?
The first thing you can do for your puppy is the following: Don’t be mad at him at allbecause he pees everywhere.
Because the little mouse does not do this on purpose. Ergo, she cannot understand what she should have done so badly.
In a next step you should try the find out the cause. This can be done with a checklist containing these questions:
- How old is your puppy?
- Did he just move in with you?
- Are there other symptoms that are noticeable?
- Does your puppy have trouble passing urine?
- Is there blood visible in the urine?
If you can answer “yes” to some of these questions, you can it makes sense to take the mini fur nose to the vet to go. Especially if the last question was answered in the affirmative. Because usually only medication can help here.
When should I go to the vet?
At the very latest, you should take your puppy to the doctor if you already traces of blood in the urine can recognize.
Because these are unfortunately an unmistakable indication that your dog is suffering from a bladder infection.
Do you suspect that stress is the trigger for urination, a visit to the vet also makes sense.
Because he or she can helpful tips how you can reduce the stress for the little mouse as quickly as possible and in the long term.
Of course, a veterinarian can also find out whether there is a serious cause behind the «peeing every 5 minutes».
When your puppy is very young, it’s normal for him to pee quite a bit. From a certain age, however, this «habit» should have decreased significantly.
If you still have the feeling that the little mouse is peeing somewhere every 5 minutes, you should take a closer look.
Show your puppy abnormalities in behavior? Is he clingy? Does he cry often? Or maybe there is one disease involved?
As you now know, there are many reasons why a puppy urinates very often. There is not always cause for concern. In some cases maybe more.
What experiences have you and your puppy had with the frequent peeing? We’d love for you to share them with us in the comments!