Puppies are real bundles of energy, who like to play extensively and let off steam. However, some dog children overdo it and then become really wild and even bite their caregivers.
Then you have to intervene immediately: Dogs have no innate bite inhibition, You have to teach them that snapping or biting is an absolute no-go.
You will find out how you can do this in the following lines.
10 Reasons Why a Puppy Acts Crazy & Bites
1. Too careless upbringing
If a puppy gets excited and snaps at you or even bites, it's often the cause lack of consistency in education. Many dog owners initially find it cute when their new protégé nibbles on them – «how sweet!»
Of course, the puppy remembers this and considers biting to be completely normal. But our opinion changes as soon as the snapping hurts us.
But how is the dog supposed to know that? He is then confused and does not understand why what he was praised for a few weeks ago is suddenly taboo. But that is not his fault, but negligence on the part of the human family.
2. Puppy is rewarded unintentionally
The playful learning of bite inhibition is a common and important part of puppy training. A specific command is often practiced: As soon as the four-legged friend has let go of you, he gets a treat, for example.
This is a very proven strategy, can be used with that wrong timing But it can also turn into the opposite: If you reward the dog child too early, he may think that the snack is not for letting go, but for biting.
This misunderstanding This even encourages the puppy: He then tends to get excited and snap at you in anticipation of a reward.
3. Wrong toy
Puppies want and need very busy will: So you need and get a lot toythat you can have fun with. However, there are some articles that are rather counterproductive.
Chew toys is actually a good idea, but it can also lead the young four-legged friend to draw incorrect conclusions. squeaky toys, For example, a ball that makes a sound when you bite on it is a very problematic case: the dog is rewarded for biting.
Bite inhibition is achieved with such false helpers rather untrained, if the young dog is playing with you and is excited, he likes to snap.
4. Lack of sleep
Did you know that puppies need a lot of sleep? If yes: congratulations! Unfortunately, the fact that young animals 18 hours or more Not all dog owners have to snooze.
If a puppy overtired is, are automatically Stress hormones released that negatively influence behavior. The animals are then often more aggressive than usual, tend to behave hyperactively and bite more quickly than four-legged friends who can fulfill their sleep quota.
Often it is because of Daily routine of the human family that the puppy hardly gets a glimpse. But also a lot Noise and hustle and bustle in the house can leave your four-legged friend overtired.
5. boredom & lack of utilization
This is also a common reason for excessive behavior Boredom. Puppies are real bundles of energy that need to exercise their energy several times a day, be it through physical or mental employment.
If he has no or only limited options for this, the young dog will try to keep himself busy. He then wants to explore his powers and begins to “attack” his human roommates and snap at them.
You can hardly blame him, after all, he doesn't have any other options to react in a way that's appropriate to his species and his age.
6. Dog doesn't know the consequences of a bite
Puppies are generally handed over to their human family between 8 and 12 weeks of age. Then the important thing begins Socialization phase: The young animals are particularly attentive and begin to interact with their peers and caregivers.
If they were still with their siblings, they would be theirs with them Test bite force. Conspecifics do not react squeamishly to a bite; after a short yelp, they bite back and tell the dog child that they should stop this behavior.
However, without animal feedback, they are hardly able to assess the consequences of a bite. Out of “Ignorance” So keep snapping.
7. Impetuous play
But it may also be that the dog already has a biting inhibition. The puppy then knows that snapping is not the polite thing to do. However, sometimes it can still happen “Accidents” happen.
That's usually the case impetuous play, in which the human play partner is not entirely innocent: He then triggers the puppy, for example, through fast movements or wild sounds that hunting instinct wake up the dog children.
The young animals then naturally want to keep up and become increasingly wild and crazy. They not only use their paws, but also their mouths, which can sometimes snap painfully in a moment of impetus.
8. Puppy feels “backed into a corner”
But fun can also become serious: some human play partners – especially children – forget how small and vulnerable a puppy can be.
The period between around 16 and 20 weeks of life is particularly difficult for the young animals. She is also called “fear phase” After initially being open to new things, the animals suddenly react very suspiciously and frighteningly.
They then feel fast when playing “cornered”: They get scared quickly and then want each other defend. Accordingly, they tend to react wildly and sometimes bite. But that usually works Warning signs like growling and snapping ahead.
9. Invitation to play
On the other hand, the puppy behaves a little more gently and innocently if it simply has one Looking for a play partner. He then wants to attract the attention of his caregiver.
The little four-legged friend often starts by jumping or barking at the person. But some animals go a step further: they growl, behave excessively wildly and even snap at your fingers.
10. Change of teeth
Puppies also bite very often between the fourth and seventh months of life. During this time the infamous… Change of teeth instead: Approximately 28 milk teeth become permanent teeth with usually 42 teeth.
This is not without complications: puppies in this phase increasingly have small, quite painful ones Inflammation of the gums to fight that can drive the animal wild. Furthermore, dogs have the need to have their new teeth everywhere and all the time to try outso they like to bite.
This is not without danger for the four-legged friend: If he bites too hard into something, the new teeth can be affected and there is a risk of permanent misalignment.
Puppy gets excited and bites: 9 tips for solving problems
Puppies like to be lively and have their outbursts every now and then. However, if things get too wild too often, you definitely have to intervene.
Allowing it to happen is then absolutely the wrong choicebecause without learned bite inhibition The four-legged friend would almost inevitably develop into a problem dog in adulthood.
The earlier you start, the easier it will be to break your four-legged friend's habit of biting too much. You will see the following 9 tips definitely help.
1. Show consistency
The first rule is without question consequence: You can't afford a “weak moment” as that would only confuse your four-legged friend and cause him to not see biting as taboo.
So you definitely always have to have one appropriate and clear response show if your little darling still snaps at you. In the beginning, minor “accidents” will happen again and again, but over time these will subside. Then the dog realized that bites are not something to be trifled with.
2. Bring other family members on board
But you won't be successful with this alone. This important educational work only works with you Teamwork: All family members, acquaintances and roommates have to pull together.
That means: The dog must not have any caregivers who allow him to go crazy and use his teeth at them. You should therefore discuss carefully with the members of your household what the boundaries for your four-legged friend should be.
This also and especially affects children: They often tend to play a little more wildly with puppies. If they ignore the rules of upbringing, they also run the risk of injuring themselves with an unfortunate bite.
3. Don't let your fingers play
A basic rule must always be that Hands of people taboo for the four-legged friend are. Under no circumstances should fingers become the puppy's toy.
If he snaps at them, you have to stop him immediately. If this does not happen, your fingers will repeatedly become “targets” of the puppy and later also the adult dog.
4. Make the effect of the bite noticeable
In order to train bite inhibition, it is important that the puppy is clear about the consequences of a bite. Conspecifics teach each other how to do this in a playful way – they yelp and then bite back.
We can also set such limits for the dog: A acoustic signal (e.g. “Ouch!”) is a good start.
Then treat him to one Pause: So you don't continue playing, you just ignore him. Only after a short time – about a minute – do you resume the game. This is how the puppy learns: “If I bite, it’s no fun.”
5. Choose the right toy
It is also very important at… Choosing puppy toys Be careful: For a dog that has not yet developed bite inhibition Squeaky toys are a very bad idea. Chewing activities that do not offer the dog a quick acoustic reward are better.
Also with Tau toys You should be careful: Although they can be useful for teaching your four-legged friend to assess his strength, they often make him overdrive at first. If his baby or permanent teeth are emerging, you should not give them to him to avoid injury.
In general, you should definitely offer your little one a chew toy: it also serves as a chew Diversion, when he has his “wild minutes” again.
6. Stay relaxed while playing
You also have to be aware of yours Role model function consciousness. Puppies also like to follow their “pack leader” or caregiver. If you play with him very impetuously and wildly, you are setting the mood: the puppy will then also go crazy and have few inhibitions about biting you.
It is better to proceed calmly. Forget…