Puppy delivery at 8 or 12 weeks? Complete guide

Your new, little roommate should move in with you. This means that a puppy will enrich your life in the near future.

However, the following question now arises: Puppy delivery at 8 or 12 weeks – what is the best time?

In our guide, we explain when your furry friend is the right age to move in with you.

When is the best time to give up puppies – at 8 or 12 weeks?

When is the right time/age for the little puppy to leave their family and familiar surroundings an important question. After all, a puppy doesn’t share your joy at moving to you at first.

At 2 or 3 months is the little furry nose though old enoughto start a new chapter in her young dog life. In general, 8 weeks or 12 weeks are assumed here as a time frame. Now you can pick him up.

Can puppies be given away earlier than 8 weeks?

And this limitation also makes sense. In fact, it is not allowed to give them away before they are 8 weeks old. That holds it Animal Welfare Act firmly. Accordingly, a puppy may only change homes from its mother and siblings after this period has expired.

If a breeder offers you to take the little furry friend with you earlier, you should decline out of love for the puppy. In addition, it is here not for one VDH breeder.

Because: A puppy needs enough time to grow up a bit and become independent. This includes one species-appropriate socialization. So dealing with other people and dogs.

Also plays the Bodily development a role. A puppy will continue to grow even after 8 weeks. However, the most important cornerstones of the development have only been laid then.

And until then, a puppy needs all the good things it can get from mom.

Already knew?

Smaller dog breeds tend to be available earlier than larger ones. The reason: the aforementioned physical development. This seems to be faster here than with larger dogs.

What speaks for a levy at 8 weeks, what against it?

Of course you want your puppy move in with you as early as possible. After all, dogs are just terribly cute, especially at this age.

However, you should exercise patience. Because the socialization phase takes place in the first 4 to 12 weeks of life. It is considered the most important development phase in a dog’s life.

In this formative phase, the puppy should get to know everything that will play a role for him and his environment in order to become socially competent. If certain things are missed, it can be difficult to reverse in adulthood.

The dog mom is also involved in the upbringing during this time. She serves as a role model for the puppies to follow. For example, puppies must first learn to be calm.

There are some who advocate not giving the dog away at 8 weeks, believing the mother dog will socialize the puppy much better than we can.

Pros and cons of giving away at 12 weeks

Knowing the right time for a puppy to move in with you is not that easy. Late filing has both advantages and disadvantages. In some cases, by the way, this is also found only after 14 or 16 weeks instead of.


Your fur nose had an additional 4 weeks to grow. She also had more time to be socialized.

Also falls in many cases castration in this period, which is taken over by the breeder.

The same applies to a first Puppy vaccination protectionwhich you don’t have to worry about at first.


However, a later submission also has one or the other disadvantage. The longer a puppy is allowed to stay with its family, the worse it gets separation pain.

Because dogs are creatures of habit and develop into humans and conspecifics close ties.

If the little dwarf is allowed to stay with his siblings and parents for 3 months, he has of course gotten used to them even more.

In fact, it’s not uncommon for a puppy that has had to move homes to cry a lot at first.

But there is another reason that makes late submission a disadvantage. And this one hangs with that Upbringing together.

Already knew?

Up to the 8th week of life the so-called sensitive socialization instead of. Only then does the next phase of socialization begin.

This is shaped by that social environment, which will accompany the dog in the future. This is where relationships are made and new impressions are collected.

In addition, this phase is when a puppy learns its first rules. If you get it after the 12th week, you have to Education almost a second time carry out.


You see: There are several reasons that speak both for and against giving away puppies at 8 or 12 weeks. A reason that definitely against an earlier submission speaks is yours own impatience.

With all understanding for this, the well-being of the dog should also come first. And you’ll see: Even at 8 or 12 weeks, the little mouse is still wonderfully cuddly and cute. She will also thank you for spending time with her family.

What is your experience of giving away puppies? If you have already made them, please share them in our comments!