Psychometry (divination), spiritual meaning and in parapsychology

Psychometry (fortune telling) We have recently been sent, to our social networks, questions about psychometry (fortune telling), its spiritual meaning and relationship with parapsychology.

Although it is not an easy topic to explain briefly, we will try to do so, below:


What is it and what does it consist of?

Psychometrics is a psychic ability in which a person can perceive or «read» the history of an object by touching it. A person picks up an object and holds it in their hands. Impressions such as sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and even emotions may appear or be perceived.

Psychometry is a form of «scrying», a psychic way of «seeing» something that is not visible to the ordinary eye. These visions begin to appear with a person holding the object. The object can be anything – a photo, a key chain, a ring – because energy is stored in everything, living or not.

A psychometrist – a person with psychometric skills – can hold any object and tell you the history of the object and the person who owned it, as well as the experiences the person had while the object was theirs.

A psychic may be able to perceive what the person was like, what they did for a living, or how they died. Although this is not his profession, everyone has the ability to feel and perceive energy. It takes practice.

The old saying that everything takes practice is very true when it comes to developing psychic abilities, and psychometrics is one of them. Let’s look at psychometry (divination) and its spiritual meaning next.


His relationship with esotericism

Psychometry (divination) differs from mediumship in that it is direct perception and its effectiveness does not depend on the help or intercession of spirits, angels or other disembodied entities.

However, some spirit mediums use the psychometry of personal objects to contact the spirits of the dead who once possessed or handled the objects in question; this is particularly common among those working in African-American traditions of ancestor worship.

The item to be psychometrized is usually held in the reader’s hand(s) or, in some cases, pressed against the reader’s forehead.

The information obtained through the psychometric reading of an object or a photograph can be visual, auditory or simply known without an emphasis on a particular sense.

Physical contact is often necessary for psychometrics to produce results, so if you wish to work with a psychometrician who does not live near you, the psychometrician may ask you to ship the items, insured if necessary, and to accompany them with the fee. of the reader. and sufficient postage to cover your return or, in the case of photographs, you may request that they be transmitted electronically.


What are the best objects?

Ideal objects for psychometry (fortune telling) and parapsychology include things that the owner uses, carries or touches regularly, such as jewelry, clothing, a pocket or wrist watch, a Bible, cutlery or spiritual curios.

In general, the information obtained has to do with moments in the life of the person to whom the object belongs or belonged, and may include data on the character of the owner or his emotional state, opinion about a situation or person in particular, or current location.

Items that were touched less frequently by their previous owner or were never carried by the person can also be read through psychometry and can include such unusual objects as a toaster, a telephone or a garden trowel.

In the case of very large objects, such as a car, wall, door, or desk, the psychometrist will travel to the site to touch the item and may receive psychic impressions from more than one person who touched or used the object.

Some psychometrists will work with a sample of the individual’s handwriting as an object that is used for reading. For those so gifted, this can be a very effective method of gathering information through psychometrics. The longer and more personal the text, the better.

Generally speaking, most psychometrists require physical contact with the photograph, but some psychometrists may combine psychometry with crystal scanning, and will connect with the photo by placing it under a clear crystal ball or on an altar and reading it from that way.


How to develop it?

An easy way to get into the world of psychometry (fortune telling) and parapsychology is by reading places. A good place to start is the old cathedrals or churches; enter one of them and take a walk inside it, go through it touching walls or floors. After a while, sit on a bench and relax.

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Close your eyes and try to perceive feelings and events, let your mind wander freely while you breathe slowly and deeply. She remains in this state for at least five minutes, then ends the exercise.

You may have had some sensation; this is the most frequent result, since they are places with very strong energy charges. If you continue the training, you will come to feel more and more identifiable sensations and images with concrete details.

Another method to develop psychometry (divination) and parapsychology consists of the following steps:

1. Choose a quiet place free from noise and distractions. I suggest doing a light meditation first and clear your mind of the clutter that blocks us from receiving information from the spirit world.

2. Sit with your eyes closed and ask a person to place an object in your hands without saying anything. It is more useful if you can do this in a group and you don’t know who is giving you the item. The object must be something that the person has had in their possession for a long time.

3. Quiet the mind once more: stay still and let the images and feelings enter your mind. Don’t force them; let them appear apparently. Say what you see, hear, or feel when you hold the object.

4. Do not judge the information you receive; just be open to receiving it. The impressions you receive may be meaningless to you, but they have great meaning to the owner of the item.

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5. Don’t edit yourself or try to make your statement mean something. Let go of the information you are receiving; it is not yours to cling to. Some information may seem vague and others very detailed.

6. The more you practice and use this skill, the stronger it will become. Your guides must know how to best work with your psychic ability. You may easily see in the spirit world or hear; perceiving feelings easily can be your thing. Do not give up.

If you want to know more about psychometry (divination), spiritual meaning and parapsychology, you can ask your question in the comments section below this article.


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