Psychology workshops for adults – Online Psychologists

Psychology workshops are a great opportunity to delve into the world of psychology, if you are not a professional in it, or to improve and/or learn new aspects of this science if you already are.

We bring you a selection of psychology workshops so that you can choose the topic and modality that best suits you.

Online workshops for everyone

  • Social skills and personal rights: Through this course, personal rights will be clearly explained and how to defend them assertively.
  • Self-help: relaxation techniques: With this workshop, students will learn simple relaxation techniques that will help them achieve a higher level of well-being in their daily lives.
  • How to overcome anxiety and enjoy motherhood: Being a mother is not an easy path. With this workshop you will find an explanation for some of your concerns and solve everything you always wanted to know about motherhood.
  • Healthy living: mind-body balance: a theoretical-practical workshop in which the student will learn techniques to achieve psycho-physical balance and improve their quality of life.
  • Depression. What is it and how to avoid it?: distance learning course from VIU (Valencian International University), open to anyone who wants to know more about depression.
  • Language acquisition and development: A course from Montemorelos University that will help students understand the different stages of language development and identify when these are not appropriate.
  • Emotional intelligence, the secret of well-being: the secret of emotions and interpersonal communication to improve your relationships and your daily life.
  • Fear of public speaking: In this workshop you will find the necessary strategies to combat the anxiety you experience when facing a public presentation.
  • Optimism in times of crisis: In this workshop, focused on positive psychology, they offer you the keys to self-knowledge and personal optimism despite the current crisis situation.
  • Mindfulness course: This workshop will allow you to learn the fundamentals of Mindfulness and apply them in your daily life to enjoy it more and better.
  • Positive psychology, keys to well-being and personal development: Do you know what positive psychology is? This workshop explains it to you and gives you the keys to improve your relationship with your environment and with yourself.
  • Strategies for dealing with an exam: With this workshop you will be able to learn how to manage exam anxiety to get the most out of your study hours.
  • Anger self-control: Learn, with this workshop, to control destructive anger and improve your relationship with your environment.
  • Female Orgasm Workshop: In this workshop, the basics of the female orgasm will be explained from a sexology point of view. (page in Catalan)
  • Emotional intelligence and assertive communication: both skills are essential to move in our personal and professional lives. In this workshop you will learn to improve your relationships through communication.
  • Overcoming shyness: In this course you will not only learn what shyness is but also how to overcome it and rise above it in all areas of your life.
  • Menopause and women: a workshop made by and for women. A meeting place to discuss concerns and doubts about this important stage for women.
  • Sexual desire: In this workshop you will learn the keys to sexual desire and how to enhance it through self-knowledge and theoretical explanations from the professionals who teach it. (page in Catalan).

For professionals

  • Language disorders: distance learning course from VIU (Valencian International University) for all those professionals who want to delve deeper into language disorders.
  • How to treat speech and language disorders: course from the University of Montemorelos aimed at understanding the different speech and language disorders and responding to these alterations.
  • Introductory course to music therapy: In this workshop, the origins of music therapy and the different lines of application in therapy will be studied.
  • Conflicts and school mediation: A course from the University of Montemorelos that will provide students with the necessary tools to mediate conflicts that occur in the school.
  • Habits and routines during the school stage: VIU course that examines the importance of establishing routines for children in school. Aimed at teachers, professors and child psychologists.
  • Young children with autism: Aimed at teachers, professors and professionals in early childhood education in general, this workshop explains autism and helps participants understand and work with this pathology.
  • Graphology: interpretation of personality through writing: learn to interpret your own personality and that of those around you through the characteristics of their writing.

In addition to these workshops, in Psychia We offer you others periodically. You can Check them all out at this link.

Why choose

  • We have been leaders in online psychological care since 2012.
  • First informational appointment free.
  • Online therapy from 40 euros per session.
  • Team of senior psychologists, with decades of experience.
  • All the therapy we offer is via videoconference. 100% confidential.
  • The same psychologist will attend to you throughout the treatment.
  • At you do not lose the money for the sessions. If you cannot connect or are not there, the session is postponed to another day.
  • Attention in Spanish, English and Catalan.

Try a session… for free!