Protective plants against the evil eye

The saying that envy is very bad goes far beyond being a popular belief. Envy has a great capacity to harm others, and it is that even unconsciously (or consciously), it is capable of generating a evil eye that can be alleviated with protective plants. The damage is generated both in those who feel it and in the person towards whom it feels.

If we feel envy, we not only intoxicate our body with that poison, but those bad energies will also reach other people. It is a matter to which we must give enough importance, since, especially when we are happy, we are exposed to the envy of others. Depending on the level of envy felt, an evil eye could multiply.

What can we do against the evil eye?

Preventing them from casting an evil eye on us is difficult, but measures can always be taken so that bad energies do not reach us or if they have already arrived, to mitigate their effects. The protective plants against the evil eye they are very effective. In general, they are very sensitive living beings and even capable of recognizing stimuli.

Before showing you the most effective protective plants against the evil eye, we want to recommend that you always have them in privileged places and away from the animals you have at home. Furthermore, we should never pluck a fruit, leaf or flower without asking permission and without being grateful for the gifts they put within our reach.

Plants can be very good allies against our physical and emotional ailments.

Protective plants against the evil eye

  • Verbena: or herb of spells, is very common in the Celtic tradition. for them it was sacred and one of the best protective plants against the evil eye. In addition, it helps economic prosperity.
  • Clover: helps good luck. One of three leaves will be your amulet; one of two will attract lovers; one of four, wealth and love, and one of five, prosperity and fortune.
  • Basil: or witch’s herb, helps in love, according to Celtic tradition. Therefore, it will protect and keep your relationship alive.
  • Violet: also serves in love. Its perfume encourages passion, in addition, it helps against headaches.
  • Lavender: It is one of the most effective protective plants against the evil eye. In addition to captivating us with its lilac color, it cleanses our home of negative energies, helps astral projection and meditation. If you put a white cloth bag filled with dried lavender flowers inside your pillow, they won’t be able to perform witchcraft on you while you sleep.
  • Rue: Repels black magic spells, making it very strong for protection. It should be placed at the entrance of the house, a female on the left and a male on the right. When one dries up, thank it, for it will have absorbed a hex. Grow another one where the previous one was.
  • Thyme: purifies the environment and clean of bad influences, in addition to attracting good health. Its main property is to gather our energies to focus them on immediate time and space. This will increase our strength.
  • Sage: it is also used as one of the protective plants against the evil eye and guarantees a long life. In addition, it will promote our wisdom. Also, it used to be an oracle of love in the Middle Ages. It should never be planted alone, it should always be accompanied, and it should not be cultivated by ourselves, because in that case it is bad luck.
  • Rosemary: In popular magical lore, rosemary is one of the star plants. In addition to its fantastic aroma, it protects places and people and is responsible for purifying them. Its function is attract good health. In addition, it serves to strengthen memory and the perfume of its wood preserves the youth of those who smell it.
  • Grass of San Juan: In the Middle Ages it used to be used to drive away demons. To do this, it is burned inside the home. It is said to have the function of cure depressionin addition to attract love very fast. It is also very famous in the Celtic tradition, as it stated that if a house had St. John’s wort in its window, evil witchcraft, fairies and evil goblins never entered it.

Depending on our physical or emotional ailments, there is a protective amulet for us. These amulets can be the protective plants against the evil eye, since being living beings they are much more effective, since they are in constant interaction with us.

Having them in the home, in addition to giving it beauty, will help us in our daily lives with its magical properties.