Protection medals against evil for babies, pregnant women and more

Protection against evil medals The medal is usually a piece of (metal, wood, plastic, etc.) that has an engraved image. The custom of wearing them hanging or on bracelets is ancient. In this sense, Sila, the Roman dictator of the 1st century BC, wore a wax image of the god Apollo around his neck. Later, the Normans believed to avoid danger and ward off disease by hanging an image of the god Thor as a talisman.

The first Christians adopted this tradition to remember their martyrs and it has continued until today where different saints can be seen.


Medals of protection against evil for babies and pregnant women

Medals for protection against evil: Medal of the Immaculate Conception The Immaculate Conception medal, commonly called the Miraculous Medal, is also powerful. Its design was revealed to Santa Catalina Labouré by the Virgin herself in 1830.

The front of the medal depicts Saint Mary standing on the ground, her foot crushing the head of a snake, and with hands extended to all who ask for their help. The sentence that surrounds it contains one of her most precious titles: «O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you.» The rays of light from her hands symbolize the graces that she is too eager to bestow on those who trust in her.

When Saint Catherine relates the vision to her confessor, who asked her if she had seen any writing on the back of the medal. She replied that she had seen none and the priest suggested that she ask the Virgin. After a period of much meditation and prayer, Saint Catherine heard a voice that said: «The ‘M’ and the two hearts express enough.»

Those who wear this medal have expressed the many gifts received as illnesses banished; bad habits broken, special graces given; dangers avoided, blessing granted and in short a great protection for many dangers. It is mainly used to protect children and babies.

Medals for protection against evil: Saint Gerard Medal He is the benefactor of mothers, children and births. His reputation stems from a story in which, after leaving for a visit to the Pirofalo family, one of her daughters noticed that she left behind a handkerchief and tried to return it.

Saint Gerard told him to keep it, as one day it might be useful to him. During a dangerous birth years later, he held the handkerchief, which kept the child safe throughout the process. Saint Gerard is also known for protecting the falsely accused.


Other medals of protection against evil

Saint Benedict’s medal It is considered one of the most powerful saint medals. It must bear on one side the effigy of the Patriarch of the monks, around which the motto is wound: In virtute tua fiat Pax. On the reverse, the cross called San Benito, on the arms of which the following acronyms are inscribed: on the vertical line, CSSML (Crux Sancta Sit Mihi Lux); on the horizontal line, NDSMD (Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux).

Between the arms of the cross, squared, the letters CSPB (Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti). Finally, inscribed in the circle that follows the outer edge of the medal, the acronym of an exorcism formula: VRS (Vade Retro Satan), NSMV (Nunquam Suade Mihi Vana), SMQL (Sunt Mala Quae Libas) and IVB (Ipse Venena Bibas).

To be active, this medal must be blessed by a Benedictine or by a priest who has received delegation and power from a father abbot of the order of Saint Benedict. It is very effective for protection against any kind of danger.

The medals of Saint Christopher and Saint Expeditus Other medals that are highly recommended are the San Cristobal and that of San Expedito.

The one in San Cristóbal may seem a bit undervalued due to the abuse that motorists make of it. However, its effectiveness does not stop being excellent.

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The Saint Expeditus medal is capable, for its part, of acting like lightning in case of urgent need. His specialty is bringing about the happy outcome of a crisis, providing an immediate and unpredictable solution to a distressing problem, offering the desperate a sudden salvation. Remember that in any case the medals must be blessed by a priest.


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