Properties of Salvia, the magical plant for women

Since ancient times, shamans and magicians have used sage for the benefits that its substance contains. Rich in vitamins and minerals, the properties of sage provide qualities disinfectant, healing and digestive.

In addition to helping regulate women’s menstruation and invocation of wisdom in esoteric rituals.

What is sage, the magical plant for women

The origin of the name of the sage plant, from the Latin salvare (to heal), speaks for itself of the qualities of this herb used since ancient times.

With medicinal and magical purposes, especially for women, in addition to the removal of fluids and improvement of circulationhas multiple benefits for the regulation of menstruation.

Thesage officinalisIt is a species of the Lamiaceae family that constitutes a perennial herb within the woody shrubs. It has angular stems that produce small bracts that are very striking and different from the basal leaves.

Salvia is also recognizable by the inflorescences that develop in clusters that produce blue or red flowers and, although less common, yellow or white. The arrangement of the purple corsage flower is what characterizes the appearance of salvia, which is also used for ornamental and culinary purposes.

In addition, sage has a very special scent which is usually unpleasant for animals and insects, and therefore repellent. Some species of sage have hairs on the stem and flowers that prevent water loss. It is precisely these hairs that release volatile oils responsible for the characteristic smell.

Tips for good sage care

Due to its multiple benefits, sage is a plant much loved by herb lovers and can be grown indoors or outdoors. In any case, you should know that salvia needs neutral and slightly sandy soil that favors good drainage and air circulation. Acidic and heavy substrates are counterproductive.

To plant sage in pots you have to make sure that the pot is quite large, about 25 to 30 centimeters wide. The cuttings should be placed about 20 centimeters apart. And the substrate has to contain a lot of fertilizer so that it receives the potassium, magnesium and nitrogen necessary for its growth.

For care, keep in mind that you always need a temperature higher than 15 degrees. With acceptable lighting, preferably indirect light. If you grow it indoors, make sure there is good air circulation.

One of the main causes of death of salvia is the excess watering and waterlogging in the pot. When it has grown, it is convenient to water it only when it is observed that the earth is dry.

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What medicinal and magical properties does sage have

The sage plant has medicinal and magical properties discovered since ancient times. Especially in the field of hormonal regulation of women and the use in rituals and spells of disinfection and cleaning.

1. Benefits of sage for women

Sage is a magical plant known for its properties to regulate the menstrual process of women. This plant decreases the consequences of menstruation in the woman’s body. Como is the sensation of pain, swelling and headache.

It is also indicated for the regulation of menopausal problems.

For such therapeutic uses, sage is often used as an infusion. This, with an astringent but pleasant line, contains vitamins, minerals and components to reduce inflammation and regulate female hormones. Sage contains substances called phytosterols that have estrogenic qualities that prevent menstrual irregularities.

2. Other medicinal properties of sage

Several university studies have concluded that, in addition to its appropriate properties for women’s health, sage has benefits for the body in general. Among its popular uses, taking it as an infusion stands out, due to its properties against indigestion.

As a relaxant, after vomiting and as a tranquilizer against nerves and stress.

Traditionally, sage has been used to respiratory conditions, from angina and pharyngitis to hoarseness and cough. It has proven anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which help strengthen the immune system and fight infections.

Sage is a detoxifying, healing and diuretic plant.

3. Magical properties of sage

Since ancient times, sage has been used by shamans and in witchcraft, especially in white magic rituals and spells. One of its main functions is cleaning and energetic purification from incense and burned leaves, since the smoke of sage is considered to contain purifying energies.

With compressed sage they are made ‘sage candles’, to eliminate the bad energies of the person, passing them on around their body, or as burning for white magic rituals.

In rituals, the magical plant sage is also used to invoke wisdom. And that is why there are many seers and mediums who use its benefits.

How to use sage for medicinal and magical purposes

Sage is used above all in infusions, to take advantage of its medicinal properties, and in incense, for magical rituals and spells. There are also other ways to use sage, which we will tell you about below. Close attention!

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1. Sage tea

Taken in infusion, sage is an effective remedy against diarrhea and menstrual cramps, for healing sores and infections in the mouth, and to promote digestion.

For a cup of water use 5 or 6 dried leaves of sage. Put the water to boil and when it is boiling add the leaves. Let it boil between 10 and 15 minutes and when it cools down, you can drink your sage infusion. If what you want is to eliminate liquids, add lemon juice, two teaspoons of cinnamon and bay leaf to the infusion. For a sore throat, add honey or cayenne.

2. Sage wine

Sage wine is used to enhance the effects of this plant for menstrual cramps. Put a handful of sage, about 50 grams, in a bottle filled with white wine.

Let it macerate for 15 days in a dark and cool place, remembering to shake the mixture every day. Strain the preparation and squeeze the plant well to release its active ingredients.

A glass a day will be ideal for those menstrual pains, to improve digestion and to lower blood sugar. You can follow the same recommendation to prepare lavender essential oil, changing the white wine for olive oil. Lavender oil is very good for aesthetic treatments.

3. Sage incense

Sage incense is ideal for disinfecting and is used for esoteric purposes to drive away evil spirits and eliminate bad energies.

For sage incense, it is preferable to use the dried leaves of the plant, group them in a saucepan and light them over a low heat. When it starts to smoke you have to turn off the flame and let it burn slowly.

Sage smoke releases powerful purifying effects. It can be used for rituals or spreading the smoke throughout the rooms of the house.

4. Sage herbal bath

In a large container add a handful of rosemary, a bit of thyme and some sageand is complemented with some verbena leaves.

Boil all the herbs together for half an hour, remove from heat and let cool.

Once strained, you can add a splash of vinegar and add everything to the bath water.

Relax and enjoy that bath for half an hour. You will feel how the properties of sage help you reduce pain, relax the muscles, take care of the skin and eliminate sweat and nerves to promote sleep.