properties and rituals with the magical plant of the gods

The laurelplant traditionally used to flavor dishes is also a powerful source of medicinal and magical properties.

Discover the sacred dimension and the purifying and protective benefits of laurel. The plant with which Caesar was crowned after a conquest or with which Jesus entered Jerusalem.

The laurel, a sacred and ancestral leaf

The triumphal crown with which he used to distinguish the Roman Caesar when he entered a conquered city in triumph was made of laurel. So he considered himself a sacred plant that gave clairvoyance to know in advance what was best for the people. The laurel is still used today to crown athletes and students.

And it is that, from remote times until today, the laurus nobilis It is among the most revered leaves for its magical powers and beneficial properties for the mind and body. In ancient times, the priestesses of the temple of Apollo They chewed its leaves to enter a trance state and take advantage of its powers.

The laurel is a shrub native to the Mediterranean area that measures between 5 and 10 meters in height. It is recognizable by the robust and gray stem from which oval-shaped leaves and bluish green color emanate. with strong aromatic potential. It is precisely the leaf that is used as a culinary condiment, although it also produces a yellowish flower.

Laurel is a perennial plant that is very resistant to external conditions. For example, it does not require a particularly rich substrate. The main enemies of the laurel are frost and parasites such as mealybugssila or aphids.

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Laurel properties as a magical plant

In addition to representing triumph and excellence, the laurel often accompanies athletes and students to reinforce their abilities. When we talk about the magical properties of laurel, we have to refer to one of the protection and purification plants by excellence. This is often used in rituals and white magic spells.

1. Sacred plant

Since ancient times, all great civilizations have given the laurel a sacred character. Not only was it the blade of the worshipers of Apollo, but it was also used by druids and shamans to enter into contact with divinities in animist beliefs. Later, it was adopted as a spirit connection plant.

Even the Judeo-Christian tradition, collecting the heritage of the Greeks and Romans, gave the laurel a sacred character. It is the leaf that, during Easter, on Palm Sunday, the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem is staged. Today, the leaf is blessed in a joint act and kept at home for protection and prosperity.

2. Purification and protection

The laurel is ancestrally a purification and protection plant. Its leaves are usually placed at the entrance of houses to avoid curses and favor the entry of happiness and prosperity into the home. Both directly for the body and indirectly for the home and the environment, it is a cleaning and disinfection plant.

The magical properties of laurel are multiplied, although initially its power is linked above all to clairvoyance and protection. It used to be present in all houses to ward off evil spirits, and was also part of protection rituals. to counter an evil eye.

In addition, it is a very appropriate plant for renovation. For this reason, it is usually a magical resource to favor periods of transition and change. And claim, thus, the contest of good luck in a new journey.

It is also often used for rituals and money spells, to request the entry of wealth and fortune into the home.

3. Clairvoyance and oracle

The sacred nature of this plant means that since ancient times it has been used as a means to connect with deities and spirits. Like a gateway to the afterlife and as an oracle to consult the future and claim clairvoyance.

Formerly, the laurel was considered the plant of the gods and was linked to the sun and vital energy. It was one of the plants most used by the priestesses in the oracle of Delphi.

A place of consultation of the future and connection with the ancient Greek gods located in the sanctuary at the foot of Mount Parnassus.

Normally, the priestesses in the service of the great fortune teller used to chew this leaf or inhale the vapor of boiled potions to enter into trance state and facilitate access to another dimension. Today it is still a very useful tool for seers and fortune tellers, and is used in rituals and spells for clairvoyance as well.

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4. Medicinal properties

In addition to its magical properties, laurel is a plant with recognized benefits for the body. On a mental level, laurel favors relaxation and stress reduction. It is very useful to complement psychological therapies against depression, sadness and discouragement.

Laurel frees the mind and promotes renewal and optimism.

Bay leaves contain minerals, proteins and vitamins, among which iron and vitamins of type B12 and C stand out. It is a powerful disinfectantboth from lice and from germs and viruses, and above all, it is used to combat respiratory infections.

Laurel has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties, making it a remedy against arthritis and for facilitate the mobility of the elderly. Its diuretic property is also known: it favors the elimination of liquids.

And it promotes blood circulation, so it is highly indicated for cardiovascular conditions.

Its healing component is also recognized among its properties, and it is also its benefits for digestion. It is important not to confuse this plant with the royal laurel (Prunus laurocerasus), a toxic leaf whose ingestion can be fatal.

Medicinal and magical uses of laurel

We have already seen how the priestesses of ancient times chewed and inhaled this plant to enter a trance. Today, these uses have been displaced by its use in spells and rituals, or to take advantage of the benefits of laurel in the following way.

1. How to make an infusion or laurel tea

Dried bay leaves lose their properties, so it is always better to use the fresh bush leaves. To make an infusion and tea, and to have all its benefits, it is recommended to use two or three bay leaves for a cup of water.

It is convenient bring the water to a boil and then add the leaves. Cover the container and wait ten minutes to then strain and obtain the final infusion.

This infusion is ideal for stimulate the digestive system, improve mood and soothe joint pain. It is also often used for relieve symptoms of a respiratory infection.

2. Bay oil

Did you know that in addition to all the benefits stated above, laurel is a precious asset for aesthetics and beauty?

To use it in this sense, it is best to obtain laurel oil with a very simple process. Pay attention!

It is preferable that the bay leaves are fresh and clean. We put 30 grams of bay leaves in a jar and cover it with oil. Let macerate for about two weeks in a dark place, remembering to shake it every day or every two days.

After two weeks, we strain the preparation and we add new leaves to reinforce the aroma.

3. Bay incense

One of the great benefits of laurel is on a mental level. To harness the power of laurel for mood or magical uses, frankincense is most convenient. One of the great uses of the laurel is the burning of its leaf, since the smoke it releases is purifying and has great effects on the environment and on the person.

To burn bay leaves, it is enough to burn the leaf over a pot or burner and let the smoke spread throughout the room. It is not inhaled directly, but the smoke is allowed to enter the body. You will soon notice its relaxing effects, very typical to induce meditation or reduce stress and migraines.

Rituals and spells with laurel

Laurel rituals and spells are often used, above all, to claim good luck and wealth. As well as to request protection and cleaning. These are the most effective rituals and spells to obtain the benefits of laurel.

1. Ritual with laurel for money

The best ritual to attract money is with laurel and sugar. To do this, light instant-light charcoal and slowly burn the bay leaves in a suitable container. If you go adding the sugar while they burnthere will be a caramelized substance that will serve as the base.

Meanwhile, repeat a prayer claiming wealth. When you’re done and the ash is cold repeat the prayers and scatter the ashes.

You can keep burnt laurel ashes in an envelope to preserve the power released in the ritual. Meanwhile, think about wishes for good luck and wealth.

2. Ritual with laurel for protection

Try this ritual with salt, water and laurel to drive away evil spirits from your home and protect your environment. It will be enough for you to tie the laurel branches with linen thread or a black ribbon. Prepare a bowl with water and add salt.

On a prepared altar, bless the water with salt through a prayer requesting the forces of the divinities.

Put the laurel in the salt water while you visualize your desires and claim that the bad spirits and negative energies disappear. Splash the room as you say prayers reclaiming the positive energies.