Princess Diana's favorite flowers

The Favorite Flowers of Princess Diana They are still an important element in the history of British royalty, even more than 20 years of their death, the people continue to pay tribute to bouquets of this species. In the Kensington Palace there is a commemorative section, with a monument in the garden that includes his favorite flower as a tribute to his memory, since we must remember was «the princess of the people.»

Lady Di had incredible taste for flowers.Express Newspapers / Getty Images.

Princess Diana's favorite flowers

The Lady Di Favorite Flowers They were the names, which tend to grow high and with blue and pink petals. Sources close to the princess revealed that the Nomeolvides became their favorites after receiving them from a close relative.

According to Sean Harkin, chief gardener of the Kensington Palace, he mentioned that in the commemorative section for Lady Di, it includes, in addition to his favorite flowers, very specific colors for which Diana leaned; White lilies, roses and white flowers as a tribute to its wardrobe and the classic English rose, since the people related to this species.

Graham Dillamore, main gardener of the Kensington Palace from 1984 to 1992, talked about the preference that Lady di felt about some tones, since he loved the colors and brightness, although she was not a fanatic gardener, she liked that the flowers were soft, white, yellow and pastel tones.

The Royals mansion in Montecito is on sale.Jane Barlow – Pa images / getty images.

Lady Di is still honored with her favorite flowers

We know that in royalty everything has a reason for being and each movement entails a strategy, and it was so in the publication of Meghan Markle on her first day of the mother after giving birth to her heir Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor. The photograph was published when Lady Di's best son and his wife were still part of the royal family and, although he did not mention his mother's name, he was a subtle and beautiful tribute to his memory.