Primula: care and how to have it at home

The Primula, With more than 400 species and an immense variety of colorsit is a flower from China that has captivated gardeners and plant lovers for its Beauty and versatility. Its ability to adapt to different environments makes it an ideal option to decorate so much exterior and interiors.

Beyond its ornamental value, the primula loads with a deep symbolism. His heart -shaped petals link her with love, passion and romance, while her early appearance in spring associates her with New beginningshope and optimism.

From red to white, the primula is one of the most colorful flowers.

Julia Filirovska / Pexels

What are the characteristics of the Primula?

Gender Primula offers one Color and shape palette that captivates gardeners and lovers of nature. His name «Primus» reveals his status as pioneers in the plant world, being one of the first flowers to decorate the gardens with their cheerful tones.

Throughout history, the first have been appreciated by diverse cultures, not only by their ornamental beauty, but also for their medicinal properties and symbolism associated with renewal and new beginnings

Within the vast genre, the Primula acaulis, popularly known as «Flor de San José», is a Ground floor and robust that adorns the gardens with their flowers that sprout directly from the ground. Its bright colors illuminate the shortest days of the year, making it an ideal partner for the cold months.

On the other hand, the Obconic primula, With their elongated stems and their grouped flowers In Umbels, it brings a touch of elegance to the interiors. Its wide range of colors and its elegant bearing make it a highly appreciated interior plant.