Preparing personality tests for competitive exams – Online Psychologists

Many times Our future depends on our personality and a lack of maturity or confidence can make us unfit for a job.

At the time of to sit a competitive exam It must be taken into account that many people apply for the same job. Personality tests are an inexpensive, fast and effective procedure to be able to select the people who most closely match the profile they are looking for for the job.

An opposition is the closest thing to a competition where everyone wants to achieve the highest score which will lead them to move on to the next phase and, consequently, get the position they aspire to. These circumstances make it difficult to answer the personality test correctly be different when applying for a competitive exam or when going to a psychologist's office.

You can't be eliminated by a personality test, they only serve to allow psychologists to gather enough information to prepare for the next test.: the interview with the psychological office. This test consists of 300 questions with 5 options, including answers such as: “I totally agree” and “I totally disagree”.

However, even though at first glance the test may seem unimportant There are people who find it very difficult or think that they are not qualified enough. as to face the test, they lack confidence, self-esteem, maturity…

How can I be more self-confident?

Fear and insecurity in ourselves can sabotage important situations. such as a competition, an exam or an event.

To achieve more security the first thing is changing the thoughts of our inner “self”

Through our thoughts people send messages to themselves. Normally We are very tough, We tell ourselves what we do wrong, we judge ourselves, we get angry, we blame ourselves, etc.

To increase our security, First we have to learn to believe in ourselves. You have to change the way you talk about yourselfbe understanding, forgiving and kind. Think about what you do well and every time you fail you have to know that it is an opportunity to improve.

Throughout the day We send each other a lot of negative messages and we are not aware of it. If we continue doing this, the only thing we will do is take steps backwards.

An exercise you can do to improve this is make a list of affirmations and good things about yourself and repeat them in front of the mirror every day. Express everything you want to achieve in them, in the first person and in the present tense.

One of the most effective techniques to achieve security is act as if what you want is already a reality.

Accept the challenges that are proposed to you and trust that you can achieve them, believe in your abilities. Every time you propose something or try to do it, You will discover that you are much more capable than you think. and your self-confidence will increase.

Even though you feel afraid, start setting limits and don't think so much about others.

Increase your maturity to face the personality test

Maturity is very important for competitive examinations. We have to realise what we are up against, especially if we are applying to become police officers or firefighters, that is, people who fight for the well-being of everyone.

Maturity is summed up in facing our responsibilities and for this you can follow a series of tips:

To live consciously you have to focus on the present. The present time is the most important thing because clinging to the past will be of no use. It is best to focus on the present time. your attention is aligned with this reality. This is done through the information we perceive through our senses and a very favorable technique is mindfulness.

  • You are responsible for your life

We often blame others for things that happen to us when in reality they are our obligations. Maturing is understanding that the only protagonist of your life is you. and for that reason you have total freedom at the time of make decisions whose consequences we will have to assume.

Each person is a world and has their own experiences, stories, experiences and values. Don't judge others because they don't think or do the same thing you would do.each person is different. Understand that we are not all the same and even if we are not, We have to accept others as they are and adapt to them.

  • Listen to the information of each emotion

Thanks to self-knowledge we can listen to what each emotion wants to tell us when we feel it. It is advisable Write down how you feel or thoughts that come to mind, this will make you reflect.

Don't avoid negative emotionsthey may be overwhelming, but the emotional world is defined by the humanity that identifies you as a person.

Physical resources

Apart from following these tips, other tips can also help you. physical resources as:

Psychology books are very good because we can self-taught learning from them. Authors tend to write everything in clear and friendly language, accessible to everyone. They can serve as a reference manual and it is advisable to underline what we find important and have them to reread when we need to.

  • Personal growth courses

They are workshops organized by psychology centers that consist of bring together in one space a number of people with the same concernscan dialogue, exchange ideas, meet other people and get to know themselves…

Psychologists recommend keeping a diary to to express our daily emotions there and keep track of some of your reactions to the situations you experience every day. At we help you in the process of creating one. Request a free appointment.

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Although it may seem untrue, cinema helps a lot. Movies can be a source of inspiration very big, especially when they are films that are based on real events. They send a message that is backed by the force of life.

Tips for taking a personality test

  • You don't have to focus on a specific situationbut at a general level.
  • Pay attention to the details: always, almost always, normally, never, sometimes, frequently…
  • Be Pay attention to statements that begin with “no” or “never.”
  • Be healthy. Both physically and mentally.
  • One has to be sincereThe worst thing you can do is answer what they want to hear. Sincerity always prevails and in addition to being sincere, you will be brave.
  • Answer everything.
  • In questions that have 5 answers, it is best to answer either the first or the last option. The person who corrects them focuses on the opinion of the person who took the exam.
  • Do not interpret the statements.

After all these tips, it is also very important that you go to a specialist who can give you their point of view on what you have to answer or help you to have more self-confidence and maturity in certain situations in life.

Preparing for competitive exams is not an easy task and we have to think that Going to a psychologist to take this personality test is completely normal.

If after reading this article you have any questions, our psychologists at will answer them for you.

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