Some diseases of our fur noses cannot always be treated effectively with natural medication. Depending on the disease, among other things Prednisolone in dogs unfortunately a sensible treatment method.
In the following guide you will learn what prednisolone is. We also explain when and where it is used and what you should consider here.
In a nutshell: Can I give my dog prednisolone?
The short and concise answer at this point is: no. Yes, you can give your dog prednisolone. No, you are not allowed to do this unless it has been discussed with the vet beforehand.
Because a cortisone drug should never self-administered become! Because: This not only causes trouble with the vet – there is also trouble with the dog’s health.
When can I use prednisolone in dogs?
Preparations based on cortisone usually have one main purpose: they should inhibit inflammation. But also at allergies Cortisone-containing drugs are often prescribed.
Because an anti-allergic effect is also attested to, among other things, prednisolone. In addition, your vet can prescribe this drug for various autoimmune diseases or a tumor.
In addition, prednisolone in case of inflammation of the respiratory tract or shortness of breath – for example the bronchi – used. Here, the anti-inflammatory effect helps to prevent a bacterial bronchitis to let it subside.
Interesting to know:
Also if prednisolone one artificial cortisone is – this hormone is produced in every organism in the adrenal cortex. If a disorder occurs here, a cortisone preparation can help.
What is the dosage for the dog?
When it comes to antibiotics and cortisone medication, there is a kind of rule of thumb. The dosage depends on the body weight of the canine patient. This means that he receives a certain amount of prednisolone per kilo.
For example, if you have a Bichon Frize that weighs 7.5 kilograms, the usual 0.2 mg prednisolone dosage per kilogram of body weight is 1.5 grams.
If you have a Great Dane that weighs 50 kilograms, it will receive a dosage of 10 grams.
But don’t worry: Your veterinarian will give you extensive advice on this.
Prednisolone for the dog: morning or evening?
Prednisolone is a drug that administered twice daily becomes. And once in the morning and once in the evening.
It makes sense if your dog has already had his food. Because the stomach has a basis for the prednisolone.
Administration takes place when tapering off every 2 days in the morning.
How long does it take for prednisolone to work in dogs?
Cortisone preparations usually work after a short time. A reason why they are also prescribed in certain cases.
Prednisolone should already after two to three hours works. The duration of the effect is there between 12 and 36 hours and depends, among other things, on the dosage.
Prednisolone – side effects in dogs
Unfortunately, prednisolone has some side effects that can also affect your dog. And in many cases these are not to be taken lightly.
Because: These side effects do not always appear immediately. They can also be long-term. For one, prednisolone becomes a immune depressant effect attributed.
Accordingly, it may be that your dog is more susceptible to infections. In order to strengthen the immune system of your four-legged friend again, you can, for example immune administer.
It is also suspected that taking prednisolone increases bone damage can lead.
Last but not least can diabetes and overweight to the negative consequences of treatment with prednisolone.
Let prednisolone taper off – that’s how it works
Maybe your dog has had to take prednisolone himself. Then you also know for certain that after the end of the treatment a «fading phase» necessary is.
Is this your first experience with this drug? Then we will now explain to you how your dog manages to wean off the preparation.
It is important that the discontinuation of the drug not right away happens. Because: The dog’s organism has to get used to not getting the medicine anymore.
That means it usually takes a while about two weeksuntil you’ve let the prednisolone taper off. Your dog needs this time to be able to produce cortisone again itself, among other things.
For this purpose, the dosage of prednisolone over these two weeks reduced step by step respectively with a day or two off administered.
What experiences have dog owners had with prednisolone?
Regardless of whether it is a natural or a chemical preparation. It always makes sense to have some experiences and reviews to have on hand. And that’s what other dog owners are saying about prednisolone.
«(…) Nothing has changed in his behavior, he just had to pee a lot, very often…»
«(…) got prednisolone for almost a year (…) all major organs are swelling (…) especially the liver (…)»
«The dog has arthritis. Prednisolone seems to be the best drug against it.”
Depending on the severity of the disease, it may be that unfortunately there is no way around prednisolone. As little as you may be a fan – especially when it comes to the possible side effects: sometimes you and your dog have to bite the bullet.
It is important that you administering prednisolone with your vet discuss. Feel free to leave any experiences you may have had with this drug in our comments.