Prayers to Cure Shingles or Herpes Zoster

Prayers to cure shingles Health is the most precious asset we have, but sometimes we only realize its importance when we are weak or sick. Only when the disease hits us, takes away our immunity and spirits, do we realize that money is not the most valuable currency.

One of these very painful diseases is shingles or herpes zoster. Next we will present several prayers to cure shingles


General features

When we are sick, we understand that material goods, titles and many trophies are of no use if we cannot get out of bed.

We live in a society prepared to face the ills that affect our body and organism. Every day, science discovers vaccines and treatments capable of fighting any virus or bacteria.

Even today’s incurable diseases do not prevent a sick person from having a good quality of life. However, no matter how great the advances, no antidote is better than our faith.



Prayers to cure shingles #1

God, who wanted Saint Aspatius to dedicate himself completely to everything
for the salvation of souls,
give our bodies relief from the aches and pains caused by shingles
so that we never stop speaking well of you
and praise you for all eternity,
in the company of Saint Aspatius, whose intercession we implore.

We beg you (repeat your prayers) through Our Lord Jesus Christ, so be it.


Prayers to cure shingles #2

See me here, prostrate at your feet, oh Heavenly Mother and Our Lady, touch my heart so that sin may always be restrained and have quality of life.

Have mercy on my spiritual miseries. And, oh most holy Mother, do not also forget the miseries that afflict my body now, like this shingles, and fill my earthly life with bitterness.

Give me health and strength to overcome all the difficulties that the world opposes me. Do not allow my poor head to be tormented by evils that disturb my tranquility and my peace.

For the merits and wisdom of your divine Son, Jesus Christ, and for the love that you consecrate to him, obtain for me the grace that I now ask you to relieve me of this ailment.

There you have my humble plea, oh Mary, powerful Mother. If she does, she will be heard.

intercede for us.


Prayers to cure shingles #3

Lord Jesus, God of goodness and mercy, it is by meditating on your Passion that I understand the true meaning of love. A free, committed and unlimited love for humanity, a love carried to its ultimate consequences, on the Cross.

Lord, wrap me in your mystery of love and reveal to me what needs to be changed, transformed and renewed in my life. Strengthen my will, illuminate my right intention. Allow me to take refuge in Your Sacred Wounds, which are the marks of Your great love for me.

Make, Lord, that contemplating the wound of your right hand, I want to grow in love-charity, fundamental for holiness. Lord, make contemplating the wound on your left hand, develop the sweetness to curb my passions.

Make me contemplate the wound on your right foot, I want to grow in faith and commit myself to do at all times what your Father and my Father expect of me. Lord, make me, contemplating the wound on your left foot, renew the hope that encourages me in the face of the problems, worries and tribulations of life.

Make me, contemplating your open side, seek to be humble, as your heart is humble and meek. Lord, a drop of your redeeming Blood is enough to heal me. Lord, one drop of Your redeeming Blood is enough for me, and I will be delivered, by Your Holy Wounds. Amen.

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Prayers to cure shingles #4

O God, who gave your saving faith to the people of France through your martyr Dionysius, and glorified him before and after his martyrdom with many miracles, grant that, through his intercession, the faith practiced and preached by him be the light of our life, that preserves us from all anguish of conscience and, if due to human frailty we have sinned, that we return soon to you with sincere repentance.

I ask you to grant me, through the merits and intercession of this powerful helper, the request that I humbly present to you, devoutly saying: May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.


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