Prayers to cure diseases (epilepsy, erysipelas and more)

Prayers to heal illnesses Without a doubt, in times of physical and emotional suffering, it is common to feel discouraged. However, seeking comfort in prayers for health is a great solution to renew your hopes and find strength. The power of prayer is capable of not only calming the mind, but also invigorating you when you are sick.

Also, praying for a loved one who is sick, keeping them in your thoughts, can help you find some peace. For this reason, we have selected prayers and psalms to ask for protection and healing. As well as advice to overcome this difficult moment through faith.

Let’s see, next, prayers to cure diseases (epilepsy, erysipelas and more)


Prayers for different ailments

Prayers to cure diseases #1 (epilepsy) Saint Valentine is known as the Patron Saint of lovers, love, courtship and marriage, but what is little known is that he is also considered the Protector of people with epilepsy.

The Prayer to Saint Valentine is a very powerful prayer that helps those who suffer from epilepsy. With it we also ask that the saint help us to stay strong and confident in our faith in God every day, with great courage and joy.

Valentine’s prayer to cure epilepsy

Oh, Jesus Christ, our Savior, who came into the world for the good of the souls of men, but who worked so many miracles to give health to the body, who healed the blind, the deaf, the dumb and the paralyzed; that he healed the boy who suffered from convulsions and fell into the water and the fire; you freed the one who was hiding among the tombs of the cemetery; that you expelled the evil spirits from the foaming possessed; I ask you, for Valentine’s Day, to whom you gave the power to heal those who suffer from fainting and convulsions, to free us from epilepsy.

Valentine’s Day, I especially ask you to restore (patient’s name) to health. It strengthens her faith and his trust. Give him courage, encouragement and joy in this life, so that he may give you thanks, Valentine, and adore Christ, divine doctor of the body and soul. Saint Valentine, pray for us.


Prayers to cure diseases #2 (erysipelas) San Antonio Abad is a saint of Egyptian origin from the beginning of Christianity in the East. He was born in the city of Conam, Egypt, in the year 251. Son of peasants, his parents were Christians, they had faith in Jesus Christ. He had a sister. When his parents died, he was twenty years old. Following the natural course of life, he inherited the family estate and began taking care of his sister. He continued his work in the field, maintaining a simple and prayerful life. Saint Anthony went to live in the desert.

After reading a biblical passage in his church, he completely changed the course of his life. The passage was Matthew 19:21, when Jesus tells the rich young man: If you want to be perfect, go sell your goods and give them to the poor, and you will have a treasure in heaven; then come and follow me.

Antonio felt that this call was for him. His heart pounded as he felt Jesus calling him to perfection. Coincidentally, his sister married around the same time. So he sold all his possessions and went to live in a cave in the desert, leading a life of prayer and sacrifice.

Prayer to cure erysipelas

In the name of the Father + the Son + the Holy Spirit.

Almighty God, who is pleased to glorify your servants, I humbly ask you to help me in my affliction, through the intercession of Saint Anthony, the Hermit, whom I implore today.

Hear my prayer, Lord God, through the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

So be it.

Repeat three times:

Saint Anthony, hermit, who never lacks your help to those who invoke you, pray for us.

At the end, three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and three Creeds must be prayed.


Other prayers for ailments

Prayers to cure diseases # 3 to San Juan for the skin

“Love must be pure like yours for your Father.

Humble is my heart, but you magnify it

teaching me how you loved the one who came to save us.

Cleanse my humble body with your shine of holiness,

and put me in the path of His steps. Amen.»


Prayers to cure illnesses #4 to Saint John Chrysostom for templers

“Stop these spasms, these grimaces and tremors!

this imitation of a negative entity inside me!

Stop this torment, this horror. Amen


Prayers to cure illnesses #5 to Juan Limosnero for pain

«San Juan Almoner»

bear witness to your glory, Lord,

that our life as baptized be in your hands

fresh clay for the construction of your work. Amen.»


Prayers to cure illnesses #6 to Saint Kilian for deep sadness

Just like the green hills of Ireland

appeased your sleeplessness, like this

your protection appeases my sadness

when I see my little soul far from the path

that Jesus has outlined for us.

Take me to the green hills of peace

together with the poor in spirit who love the Lord. Amen.»


Prayers to cure diseases #7 to Saint Longinus for the feet

«These feet that walk the Savior’s path are lost,

they no longer have the strength of His love.

Intercede before us, holy father,

and lead us to the brightness of His love. Amen.»


Prayers to cure diseases # 8 For San Lorenzo for heart problems

“May your love, our God, stir our hearts to beat

united with yours, allow us to imitate your holy servant, Saint Lawrence,

and sacrifice ourselves to you with our minds set on Christ, your son, who died for us. Amen.»


Prayers to cure diseases #9 to Saint Aloysius Gonzaga pain in general

«You who walk the open countryside

where men suffer day by day

his lack of love and his loss,

Have mercy on the suffering of those who suffer from this terrible evil.

Pray for us to the Lord, that he listens to you because you are holy.

Beloved Luis, we ask you for your love for the Creator and his Lamb. Amen.»


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