Prayer to silence mouths, bad tongues, envy and evil caused by

Prayer to shut up mouths, gossip, envy and evil caused by third parties Whoever practices the action of envy can not only have this feeling regarding a person’s possessions, but can even be envious of what that person is in himself. Which is sometimes even worse.

In general, those who are envious do not remain silent but begin to speak ill and defame the other, which can cause different types of evils that range from fights in a marriage and, if it is in the work environment, to dismissal.

Therefore, we must be very attentive to the issue and try by all means to protect ourselves to avoid greater evils caused by these people. One way is through prayer.

Take a few minutes for yourself. Choose a calm and quiet place to be able to concentrate even more and say a prayer to shut up mouths, gossip, envy and evil caused by third parties with great faith and it will be answered!



Prayer to shut up mouths, gossip, envy and evils caused by third parties to San Benito

«Glorious Saint Benedict,

May you intercede before God to alleviate my sufferings and the serious difficulties I am going through, or give me the courage to endure them.

I beg you to remove and eliminate, through the powerful intercession of the cross, every evil and envious person with their bad words tries to cause evil against me and my family.

May you free me from all bad language that leads to evil.

May you protect me from the defamation of fights, confusion and plots that envy can cause.

I beg you, glorious Saint Benedict, to defend me from this type of attack.

That you remove from my side, that person who intends to harm me through his tongue and envy and that he withdraw, I beg you, from my daily life and my work.

(Make your request more specific here)

Glorious Saint Benedict, who fought the antichrist, I ask you with all the confidence and fervor that I have in your kindness, that you grant me your loving intercession for the health of my body, mind and soul.

O glorious San Benito, unlimited port against the slanderous powers; unlimited port over bites; unlimited port against negative entities

Protect me, hold me and defend me from all evil, from envious people and who slander me.

Help me to fight against all the actions of these people in my life and in my family; Finally, I beg you to help me fight against everything that hinders the work of God in my life.

Help me to trust more and more in God’s love and to reach perfection in my life. Amen».


Prayer to shut up mouths, gossip, envy and evil caused by third parties to God

Almighty God, creator of heaven and earth, creator of good and positive things, I ask you to light my way from this very moment.

Open a beam of light through the dark clouds in the sky and cast a beam of light at me right now.

Use your powers of good, protection, help and true assistance to help me fight against all envious people who want to spoil my life.

To help me fight against any bad language that tries to harm my life and that of the ones I love the most.

Protect all those who help me, all those who accompany me and all my loved ones.

Your heavenly strength has no end, it has no limits and you only use it to help, that’s why I ask you, help me God, help me!

I pray in the name of the Divine Holy Spirit to grant me divine protection against everything and everyone.

I trust you.



Questions and answers

Is a prayer enough to shut up mouths, gossip, envy and evil caused by third parties?

There are prayers that are not sufficient for a particular purpose, but this is not the case.

We firmly believe that a prayer is more than enough to keep envy and bad language all out of your life.

A saint can help you in this regard, because he sees that you are suffering and that you really need help.

So you don’t need to do anything else, just pray and don’t get involved with the person in question.

Of course, it is also important to keep your distance from these people and try to find out their true intentions.

But prayers will help you in this regard, so pray with faith as it will be enough to feel adequate protection.

The important thing is to keep faith, to know that everything will be fine.


When should I pray the prayer to shut up mouths, gossip, envy and evil caused by third parties?

There are no set times to pray. Prayers do not have schedules or days of the week, at least not those presented in this article.

One of the main times you should say a prayer to ward off envious people is when you feel threatened.

You must pray in those moments when you see that you have enemies around you and that they hurt you.

Outside of that, you should pray at least once a month, because that way you know that you will always be protected from the forces of evil.

More important than praying a lot is praying with faith, so don’t forget this important part.

If you want to know more about the prayer to silence mouths, gossip, envy and evil caused by third parties, you can write to us in the box below and we will give you an answer as soon as possible.


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