Prayer to open clairvoyance (how to develop it with a glass of water

Prayer to open clairvoyance Clairvoyance is a gift present in all people, although in most it is latent. That is why we teach you in this article how to develop clairvoyance.

It may be that you have ignored your clairvoyant gifts until now out of fear, trepidation or some kind of blockage. But the truth is that you have unconsciously decided not to use this spiritual tool. Now, to become clairvoyant, you need to use your free will and consciously set out to use your gifts.

From this choice, you have to find a way to raise your spirit and connect with the other plane. To do this, you can use the clairvoyance techniques that we teach below, but first let’s see more about what is clairvoyance? and the prayer to open clairvoyance.


What is clairvoyance?

Before we teach you how to develop clairvoyance, we will first explain what this ability consists of.

Clairvoyance is the gift of seeing clearly spiritually, that is, it is the vision of the soul itself, whose ability to perceive reality is on a much broader and higher level.

This gift can also be defined as the ability to visualize things, events or objects that are far from us, whether this distance is physical (in space) or temporal (past or future).

The basic difference between clairvoyance and clairvoyance is what the person can see with extrasensory perceptions on this plane and on the astral plane.

Clairvoyance is a broad vision, with details and a longer «connection» time, while clairvoyance is just a flash, a «flash» that, most of the time, is not controlled by the person and requires a lot of training and concentration to make it happen.

Clairvoyance occurs through the spiritual plane and is born with us, coming from past lives.

In other words, clairvoyance is already in us and it is possible to develop and enhance it. However, it is not a quick process. So how can clairvoyance be developed? Let’s see, first the prayer to open clairvoyance.



To develop clairvoyance, he recommends first praying the following prayer:

Prayer to open clairvoyance

Enlighten my life, O God, with your transparency.

Allow me to develop the gift of being able to prevent the evils that could approach.

So that I can help my family and the people around me

to get closer to you O God, because only You are infinite and the possessor of the truth

If it is Your will that my mind open and it will open

the If it is Your will that my mind open and it will open

If it is Your will that my mind open and it will open

Explore through my thoughts the eternal flame of life, clarify each of my understandings, improve my way of thinking and everything in life that I have judged.

Let the expansion be smooth

Let the expansion be smooth

The Let the expansion be smooth

may it always be your will




After praying the prayer to open clairvoyance, it is advised to meditate. With this technique an immense harmony, intuition, sharpness and balance are gained, essential characteristics for the mediumistic capacity.

It is important to note that only with a lot of practice will you be able to see beyond what you see distorted on the physical plane, in order to clearly observe what is happening on the spiritual plane.

Choose a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed and do some stretching to help your energies circulate better.

Stay relaxed and choose a scene you want to focus on: it could be a beautiful painting or drawing, a piece of art, or an object of esteem. Everything that gives you good feelings, peace and stimulates your vision.

Concentrate for a while on this object until you feel in harmony with your inner being.

Then close your eyes and meditate on it, mentally recapitulating all the details you can remember.

Then, open your eyes and look at the object again to find the important details that you missed while your eyes were closed when you remembered it.

Repeat the process until you can remember everything in detail.


Practice yoga

Yoga is an exercise that works on balance and connection with the body. This practice also improves the connection of the physical body with the mental and spiritual body.


How to develop clairvoyance with a glass of water

In addition to the prayer to open clairvoyance and meditation or yoga practice, it is recommended to develop clairvoyance with a glass of water. This method refers to the colors and figures that appeared in the water.

Fill a blue ceramic bowl or glass with water.

Go into a room, focus and pour a few drops of blue food coloring or paint over the water and look at the water. You will begin to see symbols or figures.

Write down everything you observe: letters, shapes, images, etc. that can help you analyze something that may be worrying you now and its possible future evolution.


The importance of controlling your thoughts

To be clairvoyant, it is very important to watch your thoughts. This is because they are responsible for creating our emotions and, consequently, our actions.

For example, if you do poorly on a test and think you’re dumb and can’t learn anything, you’ll feel weak and useless.

These emotions will take away your desire to study and if you continue in this cycle, you can end up closing the university or quitting what you were doing.


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