Prayer to drive away a person (San Benito and San Alejo)

The prayer to drive someone away It is one of the best known prayers in the esoteric world related to protection, This prayer will help you remove anyone who is causing problems from your life.. I recommend you only use this prayer if you want that person to leave and never return, it is a spell that cannot be undone.

If you are interested in learning more about this prayer, you just have to continue reading, today I want to teach you step by step how to perform this powerful prayer so that it goes away forever.. In addition, we are going to make these prayers to two well-known saints, one is San Benito and the other San Alejo, so I recommend that you have an image of them to make an offering to them when your prayers are heard.

There are people who cause us a lot of damage in our lives. They are in charge of attracting bad energies into our lives, therefore they prevent us from moving forward so that we reach our goals and it is important to keep these types of people away from us as soon as possible or else little by little we will be unhappier.

In this article I will teach you an effective prayer to keep away any person who hurts you and does not allow you to progress, praying this prayer will get that person away from our lives and never come back.

This prayer cannot be undone, once done little by little we will notice how that person moves away from our life and we will notice how we become happy again.
In everyday life you can meet a wide variety of people, some with good intentions and who are always willing to help you in your difficulties. Instead, others want to harm you in any way, these last people are the ones that our prayer will drive away.

Well, now we are going to start explaining which is the most effective and in which cases we should use each one, have a paper and pencil handy to write down my advice and prayers.

Is prayer to ward off bad people effective?

Yes, it is quite effective in the cases that we have discussed above, you should only use it with people who negatively affect your life and you want them to go away forever.
In addition, these sentences will work very well if you know who is the person who hurts you and you want them to move away. If you don’t know who he is, but you have started to feel bad feelings around you, they will also be of great help to you.

Prayer to San Alejo for a person to get away from me

It is a very powerful prayer dedicated to Saint Alexios, who was the son of a well-known Roman family in the fourth century. He refused to marry a young woman to dedicate her life to God and chose to flee to Syria (now Turkey), without anyone knowing about her.
Alejo became a beggar to survive. Years later he would return to Rome, there his father allowed him to stay in his house, not knowing that he was his son.
According to the story, after a few years of living in his father’s house and praying to God every day, Alejo died as a result of a serious illness. Before he died, he wrote a letter to his father, in which he confessed that he was his son.
In Syria, where Saint Alejo lived for some years, he began to be worshiped, because his powers combated evil. His popularity continued to this day, as he is prayed to with great fervor to ward off enemies.

In which cases to perform the prayer to San Alejo?

I recommend you do this prayer if someone is getting in your way so that you can be happy. It will also help you to help a family member, such as your children, parents or husband, who may be being tormented by evil people.

It is essential that you know the other person’s name or at least a nickname.

This is the sentence, take paper and pencil to write it:

Saint Alejo blessed, you who have the gift of removing evil and ending all the calamities that it brings. Today I implore you to remove from my environment (pronounce the name), which has caused me a lot of damage.
I want (pronounce the name) to leave my life forever and never come back, because it has caused me a lot of damage. Oh, San Alejo! Please, take him away, I don’t want him to be near me or my family or friends again.
I know that nothing is impossible for you, since you have a great power to help those in need, thanks to all those years you lived begging.

You who decided to leave the luxuries and riches you had in Rome to live a life with God, help me, kind and glorious saint.
Saint Alejo keep away from me (pronounce the name) who has recently caused me quite a lot of harm and is not a good person. You, who were such a humble being, understand what I am feeling right now. I just long for peace and quiet in my life.
Thank you Alejo de Roma, I know that you will favor me and allow that person to disappear from my path. I will not forget you and you will always be present in my prayers.

Prayer to Saint Benedict to remove people from my life

The request to San Benito is very simple to make and the best thing is that in a few days you will see very important results. He was a monk who lived between the 5th and 4th century, of the current era, in Nursia, Rome and Montecassino (place where he died).
He belonged to a recognized family from Italy. He studied philosophy and law in Rome, after that, he decided to dedicate himself to God for the rest of his life. Saint Benedict is famous for having written the Rule, a text in which he outlined several regulations for the main monasteries in Europe at that time, and which took on great relevance in the Middle Ages.
He was canonized in the year 1220 by Pope Honorius III. His devotees pray to him mainly to ward off people who hurt them; although he is also very effective in curing fever, treating poison and removing temptations.
Recite this prayer fervently:
Saint Benedict, I admire the kindness and humility you had throughout your life. You are the protector I need right now to ward off all the evil that torments me.
I want you to end all the evil that exists around me, because you are the only one who can help me. You know what I’m going through and how perversity is slowly ending my life.
Do not let me fall into the temptations of my enemies, deliver me from evil. Take away all the hatred and envy that people feel towards me; I long to live in an environment where there is peace and tranquility.
Oh, Saint Benedict! Take all the misfortunes from my life, so that I can live happily with mine. I am convinced that you will favor me and will always protect me from harmful people.

Pray an our father and a glory; he remembers, with great hope. I recommend you recite this prayer every week, preferably on Mondays so that you start it in the best way, and thus you can ward off bad feelings.

It is also possible that you perform both prayers on the same day, since they are both saints (San Alejo and San Benito) and belong to the Catholic religion, which guarantees that the two together will help you eliminate evil.

Blessings of light, dear reader.

Luz Silva Soler