Prayer of the Magnificent –

Prayer of the Magnificent: The Name magnificent, as a prayer, has its origin in the Latin phrase, which says: Magnificat anima mea Dominum. Therefore, according to the bible, because there was an encounter between Elizabeth and Mary. In addition, it is believed that it was in a town near Jerusalem, near the Judean mountain.

Consequently, the magnifica is part of the evangelical song used during the prayer of vespers (within the famous Liturgy of the hours). Therefore, today this prayer is one of the most famous biblical passages related to Mary. It is recognized by Christianity as the reality that she lived.

Reflecting in this prayer one of the biblical passages with such relevance and importance for Christianity and where the Virgin Mary is its main protagonist, sets an important guideline and is a point of support and faith in the midst of the church, so that its members find through her the right path to achieve their salvation.

Consequently, for God it is important that we obey his mandate and that we recognize his magnificence in the sacred things that have divine origin, and in turn, the fact of praising and recognizing the sublime and special mystery in which Mary conceives the king in her womb. of kings and who later brought him to this world to take us along the holy route.

Prayer of the Magnificent:

Nothing more pleasing and pleasing in the eyes of God, that we love and venerate his mother. What pride and pleasure it is to know that her faithful seek salvation through her, and recognize her for what she is, a pure being and who at no time hesitates to accept the responsibility and commitment of assuming the motherhood of Jesus Christ. There were no doubts, there were no claims, in her only obedience, acceptance, humility and dedication were present. A woman who, despite being close to getting married and not knowing the consequences of her resounding YES, allowed herself to be carried away by her holy heart and by her faith. She agreed to carry the eternal word in her womb.

What is prayer for?

Discover what the Magnificent Prayer is for, it is possible by pronouncing each of its words, it is not difficult to understand. This goes further, it is a matter of connecting spiritually with this admirable hymn of praise to God, performed by the Virgin Mary and simultaneously in her announcing the mystery of salvation.

an effective prayer

When we face moments of difficulty, experiencing serious and exhausting problems, difficult situations in which we find no way out and where the negative force prevails and our human weakness is reduced. It is precisely in these circumstances that it is necessary and does so much good to proclaim this prayer.

Without a doubt, it is normal that we encounter difficulties and problems on a daily basis, do not think that, because you are walking the path of holiness, the path to which we are all called, you will not experience this kind of events, the real difference is found when you are in frequent contact with God, when you set aside a moment of your time and connect with him.

That’s when you find meaning in your life and understand the importance of prayer. A prayer well done, that comes from your heart and that you can feel the point of support and encouragement to move forward day by day, and breathe much cleaner and purer air.

The Magnificat prayer is miraculous, and it helps you have a personal encounter with God, through the Virgin Mary, and little by little you feel inner peace and begin to fully trust, without hesitation and with great fervor.

prayer of the magnificent

Glory my soul Lord and my spirit is filled with joy,
contemplating the goodness of God my Savior.

Because he has set his sights on his humble servant,
and see here the reason why he will consider me happy and happy,
all generations.

Well, he has done in my favor,
great and wonderful things
the one who is Almighty and his name infinitely Holy.

Whose mercy extends from generation to generation,
to all who fear him.

He stretched out the arm of his might,
and dispelled the pride of the proud,
upsetting their designs.

He dispossessed the powerful;
and lifted up the lowly.

He filled the needy with goods,
and the rich left without anything.

He exalted Israel his servant,
remembering him for his great mercy and kindness.
Just as Abraham had promised our fathers,
and to all his descendants, forever and ever.


The Magnificent Prayer for Witches

Free God from all evil to those who invoke him and banish all nefarious attempts of darkness to overshadow his work. The Lord free magic and spells to all who fear him.

The darkness of esotericism is overshadowed and no witch or sorceress who attacks one of the children of Israel is left unpunished. The Redeemer of the universe repudiates any sign of adoration to other entities, therefore he will not hesitate to exterminate any attempted witches.

The Lamb of God free every follower of the Father’s house from any spell and be in this the glory of the Universe for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer the magnificent Blanca

Praise the Lord of Israel who with his right hand has given victory to those who fear him. Do not be afraid of the enemy, that the Lord is present.

The King of Kings is a jealous God, he does not allow the worship of other gods, that is why he will order the extermination of all those sorcerers of white or black magic who profane his name.

With his power he will send to the abyss all who idolize other gods and will place at the top whoever humble heart invokes his name. His name is infinitely holy and mighty.

The Most High through his majesty ensures the victory of his people against the forces of the evil one and all his attempts to disturb the peace of the children of Israel. Amen.