Prayer of repentance and reconciliation with God (forgiveness)

Prayer of repentance and reconciliation with God / prayer of repentance and forgiveness Forgiveness is a great virtue and something very difficult to achieve among men. Often, we carry the sorrows for a long time because we have not yet learned to forgive others and ourselves.

Guilt is a cruel feeling that can make the heart heavy. That is why it is very important to always pray one orrepentance and reconciliation with God.


How to do it

When we cry out to the Father, opening our hearts with humility and sincerity, we unblock our lives, allowing feelings of guilt, pain and remorse to disappear.

Take a moment of your day to have that very special conversation with the Lord and give yourself the opportunity to be forgiven for what afflicts your heart so much.

This prayer to ask for God’s forgiveness for the sins committed is composed of powerful words. It is more than a request, it is a cry and surely God will listen to you and offer you the long-awaited forgiveness.



Prayer of repentance and reconciliation with God (sorry) #1

Dear God, I beg you to have compassion on me, to look kindly on my weaknesses and allow me to access your infinite love and heal my heart.

Father, I have committed many sins (you can name which sins you want God to forgive). But today, I feel sorry for each one of them and I need your powerful divine light to find my way again.

Don’t let me, my God, stay in this darkness. Reveal to me your glorious power and give me the strength to start a new life. May I have the opportunity to redeem myself from all the evil I have committed and be a worthy recipient of Your graces.

Have mercy on me, oh Father. With your great compassion, erase my faults. Purify my soul from all sin and give me back the joy of living without resentment, remorse or any evil.

My beloved and glorious Father, I stand before you, begging for your grace. Forgive me and all those who also live with guilt.

I have sinned against you, my God, and I ask you to forgive me all my sins. You who are the God of heaven and earth, grant my request.



Prayer of repentance and reconciliation with God (sorry) #2

Have mercy on me, O God, by your goodness, by your great mercy, blot out my sins.

Wash me from all iniquity and cleanse me from all guilt.

Because I recognize my sins and I have my faults always before me.

I have sinned against you, only against you, and I have done evil in your eyes.

Thus, your sentence is just and your judgment upright. You love sincerity of heart and you make me know the wisdom in the depths of my soul. Make me hear a word of joy and joy, and let my bones tremble that you have crushed. Turn your face away from my faults and cleanse me from all my sins.

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and give rise to a steadfast spirit in me. Do not cast me out of your presence and do not withdraw from me your spirit of holiness. Give me back the joy of your salvation and sustain me with a generous spirit. I will teach sinners your ways and the lost will return to you.

O God, my Savior, save me from bloodshed and my tongue will proclaim your justice. It is not a sacrifice that pleases you, and if I offer a burnt offering, you will not accept it. The sacrifice pleasing to God is the repentant spirit: you will not despise, Lord, a humiliated and contrite spirit.

Forgive me, Lord, for everything I have done wrong, today and always.



Prayer of repentance and reconciliation with God (sorry) #3

“Oh, my God and beloved Father,

Because of my sins, my conscience cannot find peace, and in my nights and days I no longer feel like doing anything.

My transgressions have overflowed and I alone am to blame for the evils I have done to myself and to others, for which I have sinned against you and done evil in your eyes, making myself unworthy as one of your children.

Wash me Lord with the blood of your beloved son Jesus, and thus restore happiness and salvation to my life.

Revive in me a pure heart and renew my spirit so that it is unbreakable.

Grant me to be in your presence, Lord, because without it I cannot live. And as you have said that you will not abandon those who return to you, so I humbly ask you to accept me.

In this way, my Father, I will be able to praise your holy name, and thus spread your word and your teachings throughout the earth.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Prayer of repentance and reconciliation with God (sorry) #4

O my God, Father of goodness and love, who in your mercy come to welcome all those who come to you with a repentant heart. Accept, Lord, my humble and sincere request for forgiveness for all the faults and sins I have committed, both against you and against my brothers.

Lord Jesus, you who are the master of love and tenderness, who gave your life for so many men and women who walked through the valley of sin, guide me through forgiveness, and thus I will become strong of soul, so that I can firmly ask forgiveness and mercy, and also, learn to forgive.

Holy Spirit who consoles souls, who is the advocate of the just and the source of love, inspire in my heart gestures of tenderness and kindness, which can help afflicted hearts with the beauty of forgiveness and the blessings of reconciliation.



Prayer of repentance and reconciliation with God (sorry) #5

«Oh God

Wash me from all evil and bad intentions and purify me of my faults.

I, who humbly and honestly acknowledge my sins, and who verbalize my guilt before you.

I have not been a good person.

That is why I expect a fair sentence and trial from you. That with love I look into the sincerity of my heart, and thus, I can know the wisdom in the depths of my soul.

May I listen to your words of love and joy, and thus alleviate my faults and sins, purifying my soul.

Create in me, my God, a pure heart that knows how to love, and that a spirit within me becomes firm.

Give me joy and salvation, and so I can sustain myself based on your generous spirit.

May I learn from your teachings, and thus, walk away from the path of evil and return to you.

Give me a new opportunity Lord, and so, I will proclaim your name and your praise throughout the earth.

For you, that the most valuable thing is a truly repentant spirit, I ask you not to despise my pleas for forgiveness, and to forgive even the most serious of my sins.

Forgive, Lord, everything I have done wrong, today and always.


Prayer of repentance and reconciliation with God (sorry) #6

“O my God, Father and Savior,

I know that I have erred, my father, when I turned away from your narrow path to walk the wide path that the wicked of the earth offered me.

I let myself be led into sin by the words of the wrong people, and with them in my way, I ended up letting myself be carried away.

In those moments, when I innocently let myself go down those paths, I found myself blind, and I had deviated from your teachings, without being aware of the size of my error.

Those who sin without knowing how much they are sinning can often get into even more trouble, and my heart was very clouded, harming myself, others and especially you.

But, I believe my Father, that by your goodness and love, you can listen to me and forgive my faults.

Because I believe in your teachings, and I know that as you have said, what we ask for in prayer, believing, we will receive.

Based on these words, I believe in the forgiveness of the Lord.

I know that my sins will be washed away by your merciful hand, before also, the promise of your Son, Lord Jesus Christ.

For this, my God, I thank you for allowing me to know your word even more, and thus, I promise to continue following your commandments.



When to pray it?

this orration of repentance and reconciliation with God it can be done any time you feel your heart clench with guilt. Whenever resentment, pain, sadness take over you, turn to God and He will listen to you and give you the forgiveness you seek. Remember to give thanks.

also know Prayer to ask God for a miracle (powerful and urgent)

Our life is made of problems, day after day new challenges appear that leave us without (Read more)

God is always with you, do not forget that gratitude is one of the most important virtues. Glorify God in times of trial and He will reward you.

And if you liked this sentence of repentance and reconciliation with God, share it with your loved ones who also seek forgiveness from our good God. Do not forget to follow us on social networks to find more content like this.


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