Prayer for when you get the dead sleep paralysis

Prayer for when the dead man goes up Sleep paralysis, popularly called the dead man goes up, ands a phenomenon occurs in the moments before falling asleep or before getting up.

Those who suffer from it usually wake up very abruptly and, although they maintain full consciousness, they are unable to carry out any type of physical movement; that is, they remain totally paralyzed. Let’s see, then, to know more about sleep paralysis and the Prayer for when the dead come up


From the point of view of history

Ancient Greece The phenomenon was of both theological and medical concern in ancient Greece. In the second century AD C., the famous physician Galen called the experience «ephialtes», which meant «jump on you», to describe sleep paralysis. The Greeks would use the term Pan ephialtes, in relation to the great horned God of wood and flocks, because he was believed to be having intercourse with the dreamer during sleep paralysis. When it happened, it was a fortuitous sign of abundant future income.

byzantine rome In the Roman parts of Alexandria during the 7th century, the Byzantine physician Paulus Aegineta first wrote about the concept of sleep paralysis. As an avid surgeon and encyclopedia writer, he was interested in detailing his medical observations and produced seven influential books (one of which is cited as the origin of plastic surgery). Regarding sleep paralysis, Paulus believes that it could be cured with “drastic bleeding, purgatives and friction on the limbs”. If this did not work, throat hollowing, diet restriction and shaving of the patient’s head would be an effective treatment.

As Christianity began to dominate the Western world during the Middle Ages, the fertility blessings associated with sleep paralysis were pushed aside under the restrictive sexual climate.

Ancient Middle East and Islam Both pre-Islamic and Islamic cultures have cited jinn, or spirit-like supernatural creatures, as the cause of sleep paralysis. The word Jinn translates to «hide» or «conceal.» Jinns have been known to cause disease, mental illness, and nightmares. Sleep paralysis was commonly known as «jinn affliction» and was thought to be the result of jinn possession.

ancient africa In southern Nigeria, the cause of sleep paralysis was attributed to Ogun Oru, which translates to night warfare. When it does occur, it was culturally believed to be a negative infiltration during the dream state. It was believed that this could escalate into a dispute between the earthly spouse and the spiritual spouse of the person who wanted to have sexual liberties with the person. To get rid of the negative presence, elaborate rituals were performed to remove the evil essence from one’s dream state.

ancient chinese The Chinese have believed since ancient times that the soul is vulnerable to spirits during sleep. Between 403-221 a. C. The first book on sleep in China called Zhou Li / Chun Guan describes how the government had imperial officials who acted as interpreters of dreams. It was his duty to classify dreams into 6 different types. The text does not directly mention sleep paralysis, but historians have noted that the description of the type of sleep “E-meng” (surprise dreams) closely resembles the concept of sleep paralysis.

Between AD 30-124, the first recorded Chinese character for the word «phantom oppression» appeared in Shuo Wen Chieh Tzu, which was the first Chinese dictionary. There has been a historical debate as to whether it referred more to a nighttime possession causing nightmares or to being oppressed by a ghost at night and paralyzed. Most experts lean towards the latter meaning. Phantom oppression attacks continue to be described as similar to sleep paralysis to this day.


Risk factor’s

It usually happens rarely to people with good mental health, but who have some of these characteristics:

  • High levels of stress.
  • Continuous tiredness.
  • Consumption of certain counterproductive medications.
  • Bipolar disorder.
  • Depression.
  • Anxiety.
  • Posttraumatic stress.
  • Reach the deep phase of sleep quickly.


How to recognize it?

The symptoms are easier to cope with if you learn to identify the disorder, which is characterized in most cases by presenting the following manifestations:

  • Inability to move trunk and limbs.
  • Hallucinations, both visual and auditory.
  • Sensation that there is a strange presence.
  • Confusion and panic.
  • Suffocation or prolonged pressure on the chest.

Next, let’s look at the prayer for when you get the dead sleep paralysis.



Prayer for when the dead #1 comes up

Oh Saint George, my warrior, invincible in Faith in God, who brings hope and trust on your face: Protect me. I will walk dressed and armed with the weapons of Saint George to ward off invisible negative forces, having feet they cannot reach me, having hands they cannot catch me, having eyes they cannot see me, and not even in thought can they hurt me.

Jesus Christ, protect me and defend yourself with the power of your holy and divine grace, Virgin of Nazareth, cover me with your holy and divine mantle, protecting me, and God, with your divine mercy and great power, be my defender against negativity.

Glorious Saint George, in the name of God, extend to me your shield and your powerful weapons, defending me with your strength and your greatness, and that under the legs of your faithful horse the negative forces submit to you. Help me to overcome this situation.

Give me courage and hope strengthen my FAITH and help me in this need. Amen!


Prayer for when the dead comes up #2

I ask the intercession of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael to intercede for me, at this very moment.

May these archangels enter my room and detect all the negative energies that are around me and push them away.

So I ask the three Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael to drive away all evil that is near!

I believe in the Archangels, I know that everything will be fine,



Prayer for when the dead comes up #3

Lord God, Almighty Father, creator of heaven and earth, of all things
visible and invisible, protect me and my soul from all negative spirits that may be
this room and trying to bring me down.

Lord God the Father, you have already saved the human race once and I know that you will help me too
to save my soul from the presence of evil spirits and bad energies.

Almighty God, remove from my path entities that
they hurt me or want to see me down, without strength, without courage and
without the will to continue living my life.

Brighten my day, brighten my night, brighten my afternoon and brighten my mornings.
Brighten every nook and corner of my life

Lord, Jesus Christ, help me and protect me.


It is recommended, in case you suffer frequently, cover the mirrors in the room when sleeping and avoid seeing yourself in the mirror at night in the dark.

If you want to know more about the prayer for when the dead sleep paralysis comes up, you can ask your questions or doubts in the comments section.


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