Prayer divine providence three coins for economic needs

Prayer divine providence three currencies Currently the world economy is very uncertain and, in some countries, inflation increases rapidly. Millions of people, some close to retirement age, lose their jobs and homes (because of bank or financial loans)

It’s hard not to be stressed and worried when creditors are hounding you. We cannot fully experience the abundant life that Christ promised if we are buried in debt and enslaved by our fluctuating checkbook.

If financial fears dominate your thoughts, be encouraged to pray! Praying about finances is one of the most important ways to turn your worries over to God, who knows what to do with our problems, even when we are lost.

One of the most effective prayers for cases of pressing economic need is the Three Coin Divine Providence Prayer. Let’s take a look at this sentence.


Prayer divine providence three coins

Chaplet to Divine Providence (Use a common crown of the Holy Rosary)

Our help is in the name of the Lord

He made heaven and earth.


Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, take care of us.

Most Pure Heart of Mary, take care of us.


Holy Providence of God You provide it.

In the end :

Look at us, oh Mary, with eyes of mercy.

Help us, oh Queen, with your charity.

Ave Maria…

O Father, or Son, or Holy Spirit: Holy Trinity; Jesus, Mary, angels, saints and saints, all from heaven, we ask you for these graces (help us to get out of this economic problem) through the Blood of Jesus Christ.

Glory be to the Father…

To Saint Joseph: Glory to the Father…

For the souls in purgatory: Eternal rest…

For our benefactors:

Please, Lord, reward with eternal life all those who do us good for the glory of your holy name. Amen.


Prayer divine providence three coins

O Divine Providence!

Nothing is more lovable and lovable than You, who maternally feeds the bird of the air and the flower of the field: the rich and the poor!

You open the ways of God and carry out the great plans of God in the world! In You all our trust, oh Holy Providence of the Lord, because you love us much more than we love ourselves!

With divine help, I no longer want to investigate you, I no longer want to tie your hands: I no longer want to paralyze you; but I just want to abandon myself entirely in your arms, serene, in peace.

Let me take you as you are, with the simplicity of a child, with that broad faith that sees no borders! Divine Providence! help us get out of this economic trouble and we will put three coins in front of your image.


Invocations to Divine Providence

Divine Providence, loving Mother, smile on us

Divine Providence, Provident Mother, help us.

Divine Providence, make it possible for us to live and die abandoned in your maternal womb.

Divine Providence, vigilant Mother, always remain by our side.

Divine Providence, adorable Mother, welcome our today.

Divine Providence, ineffable Mother, help us to work for our sanctification.

Divine Providence, good Mother, comfort us and comfort us.

Divine Providence, Merciful Mother, make us live the life of faith.

Divine Providence, mysterious Mother, always be close, propitious and kind in our lives.

Divine Providence, Great Mother, let us seek the holy kingdom of God and his justice.

Divine Providence, beneficent Mother, obtain for us the grace to love souls more and more.

Divine Providence, Holy Mother, obtain for us the grace to love Jesus more and more.

Divine Providence, Mother of loving hands, grant us to abandon ourselves blindly in You.

Divine Providence, Angel of Love, help us to savor the love of Jesus.

Divine Providence, Angel of Peace, make the holy fear of God reign in our hearts.

Divine Providence, Angel of harmony, always unites our hearts in charity.

Divine Providence, Angel of holy example, let us be living Gospels.

Divine Providence, Great Lady of Good, consume us in love for Jesus and for souls.

Holy Providence with admirable designs, make your instruments docile.

Holy Providence with mysterious designs, make us like clay in your hands.

Holy Providence with wise designs, let us cooperate with humility and obedience.

also know prayer to ask for healing (to heal body and soul) and for a sick person

The Bible tells us to pray for healing to God and we will be blessed with health and strength to overcome whatever pain we face. ANDs (…)

The holy Providence of generous action strengthens our faith.

Holy Providence, imprint of the furrow of life, guide and illuminate our path.

Holy Providence, perfume of Jesus, pour out your graces on us.

Holy Providence, guide of the Jesus Boat, show us the way in the storm.

Holy Providence that prepares the hour of the triumph of Christ and of the Church, illuminates our time.

Holy Providence who governs and governs everything with care, let us see your loving disposition in everything.

Holy Providence that weeps and consoles for our good, make us understand your language.

Oh Mary, Mother of Divine Providence, help us to get out of this economic predicament.


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