Powers of the Plantain Plant

The plantain (also known as Plantago major) is a plant that grows on roadsides around the world. That is why it is found in areas with a lot of humidity and partial shade, although it can also grow in dry places, as long as someone is willing to water it. It is common to see them near streams and rivers, or in more humid areas.

Its leaves are born from a central rosette. They usually measure between 10 and 20 cm. Their flower is very characteristicsince they are long spikes that can reach up to 15 cm in height with a yellow, green or pink color.

In addition to being a very green and beautiful plant, it has medicinal properties known for millennia. It is used to treat diseases such as colds, bronchitis, urinary infections or hemorrhoids.

Both its leaves and its seeds can extract healing properties that have properties antibacterial and astringents; but it can also be used as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antitussive, emollient, diuretic, expectorant and laxative.

What expectorant, is used to treat cough, bronchitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract, since it has a high content of mucilage and silicic acid. To do this, prepare a infusion with a couple of dry leaves to boiling water, let stand for 10 minutes, and drink three cups a day. The same daily dose is recommended in case of using it as a diuretic.

One of its main characteristics is its emollient and healing capacity. It is applied on wounds, hemorrhages or scars.

This plant also has other uses that are much less well known. It is used to treat eye injuries using the decoction water to cleanse the eyes. In addition, it has been proven that it has a positive effect on the regulation of blood sugar. Its infusions are highly recommended for hypertensive peoplesince it helps lower and regulate blood pressure.

Being a digestive regulator, among its properties is to act as a laxative. If applied as a poultice on an injury, it has anti-inflammatory properties. Plantain reduces the number of aflatoxins, which are the ones that produce fungi.

If you are thinking of using this medicinal plant to treat any of these conditions, you should know that it is recommended do not eat itsince it has aucubigenin, a toxic substance for our digestive system, which can cause gastrointestinal problems.

It is better to take it as infusion: place a couple of dry leaves over boiled water and let stand for about ten minutes. To treat skin wounds, the leaves can be applied directly to the wound, or in the form of poultice.

But its properties are not limited to healing, since the plantain also has some magical properties. Do you want to know what they are? Well keep reading!

Plantain Plant Attributes

In ancient times it was believed that if you took a whole plant of plantain you would be on top protected against curses. In addition, they also used it, on the recommendation of sorcerers and witches, to attract the desired love. Despite being a plant found anywhere in the worldits magical properties in love rituals were used above all in Gaul.

Eugene Rolland, in his book Flore populaire, ou Histoire naturelle des plants dans leurs rapports avec la linguistique et le folklore, from the end of the 19th century, gives some advice on how to use this plant to capture the attention of the desired person. Among the pages of it are recommendations on using it on Saint John’s Day, sprinkling it with holy water, etc.

Has a magnetic capacity on womenwhich makes them fall in love with the man who wants them.

It is a plant of the feminine gender, whose element is the earth and has Venus as the ruling planet. All this gives strength and protection capacityso it is widely used in rituals for the protection of property and also of the body, and also for ward off evil eyes.

If it is placed somewhere in the home, it can protect against visits from unwanted people. Some people carry some sheets in the glove compartment of the car to avoid dangers, such as theft or accidents.

Formerly, it was tied over the head with red wool to treat headaches, stress or migraineand on the feet for relieve tiredness. Also, they carried a couple of leaves in their pocket as a measure of protection against snakes. Due to its ability to stop the poison, in the mountains it is used to treat scorpion bites, either by applying it to the wound, or as an infusion.

The plantain It is a plant known throughout the world, both for its medicinal and magical properties. For the second, you can follow our advice, but if you plan to use this plant as a healing remedy, ask a health professional for advice.