Post-surgical depression: what it is and its treatment – Online Psychologists

The surgical interventions They cause discomfort and reluctance. It doesn't matter if the operation went well. In many cases, what comes next is emotional and psychological damage that can end up depression.

What is post-surgical depression?

Post-surgical depression is not often talked about, but it is more common than you think. Patients may feel alone, they may feel misunderstood, as it seems that those closest to them do not understand what they are going through.

When the medical procedure is necessary (for example, hernia surgery), no one questions you and you receive support. However, if the surgery is cosmetic, you will not feel the same support.

Symptoms of post-surgical depression

The emotional ups and downs Before an operation, these are normal, but the postoperative period is a process during which this emotional and psychological state can intensify, so that in the end there is depression.

These are the main symptoms that can warn you that you have depression:

  • Lengthening of recovery for longer than normal, due to greater fatigue and physical pain.
  • Emotional state characterized by apathy and the irritability. An attitude that lasts more than two weeks.
  • Feeling of hopelessness.
  • Disinterest for everything around you, including activities you used to enjoy.
  • Need for sleep constantly.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Misunderstanding and loneliness. Those around you don't understand what you're going through or how you feel.
  • Inability to recover your normal life.

Surgical interventions leave a feeling of discomfort in the body. vulnerability and of dependence. It is a situation that you cannot control. Your life or your health depends on the health workers and you cannot do anything.

Furthermore, in serious moments such as operations, you realize who is really by your side and who is not as friendly as they claim to be.

Treatment for depression after surgery or serious hospitalization

The first step would be to try prevent depression with the help of professionals specialized in mental health, such as psychologists. At the first session is free, so you can meet our team of online psychologists and have an initial assessment of what the situation might be like. treatment for depression in your case.

Try a free session

Put an end to depression with the help of online therapy. Resolve your doubts with the help of a professional expert in emotional management.

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  1. It is important to have support, affection and understanding from your loved ones, whether they are family or friends. Having people you appreciate and with whom you can vent.
  2. Express your feelingsdon't lock yourself away. You must openly discuss your emotions and thoughts.
  3. Do therapy. The therapy cognitive-behavioral It is the best option, because it will help you achieve the emotional and mental balance you need while focusing on the situation in a different way.
  4. You can always practice the mindfulnesswhich will reduce your stress levels. Try meditation.
  5. Stay away from people with negative thoughts.

Find out at how psychology can help you in the moments before and after an operation.

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