The hybrid breeding from labrador and rottweiler makes sure that too in regions with the Rottweiler on the dangerous dog lista Rottweiler mix as a family member with his many positive qualities can be found!
The similar physique and the Enhancement of some popular character traits have the Rottweiler Labrador Mix dog also known as the Labrottie, Rottador or Labweiler brought to the front places of the most popular family dogs worldwide.
The most important things about Labrottie in brief:
Size & Life Expectancy:
- Size of males: at least 57 to a maximum of 68 cm shoulder height, with up to 50 kg
- Size of a bitch: between 54 and 63 cm shoulder height with at least 32 kg
- Life expectancy: You can count on a lifespan of 9 to 12 years.
character: stubborn and self-confident, loyal, active, easy-going, fond of children, adaptable and hard-working
special feature: If the Rottweiler becomes dominant, consistent training and early socialization are required. In any case, the potential for aggression is reduced by the Labrador, even if it does not disappear completely!
A Labrador Rottweiler mix can distinguish itself from its littermates. It always depends a little on which parent turns out to be the determining part.
The Physique is mostly based on the Rottweiler. Muscular and beefy, powerful the Labrottie presents himself with his broad head and strong jaws.
As working dogs, they are active powerhouses!
Height Weight
Since both Rottweilers and Labradors are in the category of large dogs belong, it is not surprising that the Rottweiler mixed breed puppy has become one powerful males with up to 50 kg in weight can grow and a Shoulder height of 68 cm can reach.
female dogs turn out a little smaller. Your guard measure lies at 63 cm and her weight swings between 32 and 45 kg.
Basically, it must be noted that a Labrador Rottweiler mixed breed can have the entire spectrum between beefy Rottweilers and athletic Labradors. Self the breeder cannot make accurate predictions about it!
Colors & coat texture
The Labrador gives the Labrottie a wider range of colors than the purebred Rottweiler.
Depending on which basic coloration of the parentsit can at least be speculated that the Rottweiler mixed breed puppies more light or dark fur coloring will show.
Rich chocolate brown is found next to more yellowish or fox red coat areas. The pattern, that is Coat and light areas are distributed according to the model of the Rottweiler.
Optimum protection against damp cold offer the dense undercoat combined with finer top coat. Characteristics that both parents possess and reinforce in the Labrottie.
This Double fur is changed in spring and autumnso that regular brushing is trendy if you want to avoid fur on the sofa and carpet.
Character & nature of the Rottweiler Labrador Mix
Originally, Rottweilers and Labradors were considered working dogs used and in their breeding serenity and independence Added value.
The Labrottie is a more active in sports Contemporary and thus perfect for active families with a penchant for outdoor sports. He will joyful with the family play and his love for the little ones prove.
As loyal protector is he towards strangers suspicious. This is as true for humans as it is for other dogs. He will accept any challenge, even if he will not attack on his own.
Working dogs are always adaptable and self-employed. Socialized early in the family and with a good upbringing, the Labrottie will be an active and friendly four-legged addition to the family.
attitude & upbringing
As former working dogsabove all herding dogsthe Rottweiler and the Labrador are very fond of their owners loyal and this must be taken into account at an early stage in education.
The Labrottie should be socialized and, most importantly, introduced to its future family as early as possible. This means, among other things, that you get to know your puppy before you buy it!
Socialization must include friends and family who come to visit regularly. So can dismantled the natural distrust and the Rottweiler mix learn that strangers in front of the door are not dangerous!
Consistency is the magic word in every upbringing, whether human children or which breed of dog. Commands should neither be exchanged nor suddenly given new meanings.
Bans must be pronounced early and violations must have consequences, such as the withdrawal of treats.
Does the Labrottie notice that he is rely on its owner can and this one too urge to move and appreciates his inclinations, for example to rummage or to fetch, he becomes a friendly and peacefully relaxed fellow.
Keeping a Rottweiler Labrador mix includes the freedom and exercise that these active animals definitely need. A house with a garden is definitely an advantage here.
The Dog blanket on the sofa and the dog basket in its usual corner make living with these Rottweiler crossbreeds much easier. Because the Change of coat requires increased maintenanceespecially for the sake of skin health!
Breeding & Health
Interesting for breeding Labrador Rottweiler crossbreeds is that neither parent known for genetically serious diseases is.
From the side of the Labradors, problems with eyes or joints can arise. But Rottweilers in particular do not have any hereditary diseases and can thus compensate for these few ailments.
joint problems are particularly well known in large dog breeds. A good vet for regular checks, sufficient exercise and the right food are preventive measures to keep the Labrottie fit and healthy for a long time.
Life expectancy
Rottweilers generally have a slightly shorter lifespan than the long-lived Labrador. This is due to the higher weight with a beefy body.
This results in a time window for the Labrottie from 8 to 12 years. This in turn depends on whether the Rottweiler mix is stocky, powerful or athletically muscular like the Labrador.
What is there to consider with Rottweiler mixed breed puppies?
The Rottweiler and Rottweiler crossbreed is still viewed with skepticism and is found on lists of dangerous dogs in many regions.
The higher potential for aggression Dampening the Rottweiler is the job of the keeper. Through early socialization and inclusion in a loving family can be counteracted.
A Rottweiler as a working dog is a guard dog and protector. As fond of children and familial as he is in his home, he reacts suspiciously towards strangers.
Both the Labrador and the Rottweiler are for their loyalty and attachment known to their families and keepers. Consistent training and reliability result in a relaxed and self-confident dog.
For families with small children, it is important to explain how and what can be played with the Labrottie. Puppy and child need time to grow together and develop mutual understanding.
For this reason, never leave your Rottweiler mix puppy alone with your children or even with strangers, friends and other family members at the beginning. Unless you know full well that they can handle your dog!
In addition to the consistent upbringing of the Rottweiler mixed breed puppy, this is also Getting used to regular care, not only hair, but also claws and teeth is necessary.
This is exactly where accidents can happen if the dog does not know the ritual or the owner does not know exactly how and what to do.
It is true that the principle always applies to take your dog puppies to a serious breedingr to buy, but this is even more true for Rottweiler mixed breed puppies.
A good breeder will Encourage puppies and owners to get to know each other. He has in his records meaningful documents about the parents and the young dog’s first health checks.
A Labrottie puppy costs some money. Going bargain hunting here on the internet could prove fatal if you can’t meet the breeder in person!
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