Portrait of the Labrador Dachshund Mix (with pictures)

Fascinating is a cross between a Dachshund and a Labrador Retriever. Finally meet here a rather large and a small dog breed on each other.

Both races are working dogs. During the Labrador but rather that guardians and saviors is, the Dachsador also sits down Hunter and protector of the dachshund partly by instinct.

What a wonderful companion for active families!

The most important things about the Dachsador in brief:

Size & Life Expectancy:

  • Size & weight males: around 20 to 36 kg at 45 to 64 cm
  • Size and weight in bitches: between 14 and 32 kg with 38 to 58 cm
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 14 years on average

Character: Loyal, fearless, active, affectionate, friendly, fond of children, curious, smart, wants to please and be recognized, energetic

Special feature: Likes to bark when strangers come to the door. This can be kept within limits by encountering unusual situations early on!


The full-grown dachshund Labrador crossbreed can not only very different weight exhibit.

That too Appearance in relation to the shape of the body and the shape of the head offers numerous variations.

Depending on which parent proves to be more dominantthe Badger becomes more of a elongated body shape of the dachshund exhibit or longer, straight legs and thus more shoulder height from the Labrador take over.

The eye color is predetermined to be black or brown and the muzzle is almost always black as both parents have these traits.

Also a serious breeder with many years of experience cannot make predictions to meet the litter or individual puppies. There is always a little surprise!

Height Weight

dachshund are found at a withers height of 20 to 26 cm a. This is mainly due to his short legs. After all, he was bred to hunt small game and is said to be able to enter a badger’s den.

The Labrador however, a shoulder height of a good 64 cm to reach. The growth potential for the Dachsador is correspondingly wide.

males mostly come up at least 38 cmbut they can do just as well 60 cm reach and then enter Weight up to 36 kg exhibit.

female dogs bring along an average of 20 to 32 kg one Shoulder height between 35 cm to 55 cm with. What bandwidth results from these numbers!

If you bring your Labrador Dachshund Mix to a reputable breeder meet you for the first time, he can already give you one premonition give, what weight and what height your future four-legged friend can reach.

Colors & coat texture

As with size & weight, the coat texture of the two parent breeds very much differing. Predictions about the more dominant part cannot be made here either.

dachshund bring a wide range of color options. Black, shades of red around the fox red, gray and in any case two-tone piebald can be found among the dachshund colors.

The Labrador Retrievers expands this color palette chocolatey brown, light cream and yellow.

Black and fox red can also occur here.

Viewing your puppy’s litter with your breeder will give you some insight into the possibilities because the entire range of colors can be represented within a litter.

It would be wonderful if your badger could inherit the Labrador’s waterproof coat. Despite the addition of dachshunds, he will never be averse to the water!

Is your Crossbreed of a Labrador retriever with a long-haired dachshund you can assume that your Dachsador longer top hair will have. Together with that coat changecoming from the Labrador, a good breeder will tell you to buy a vacuum cleaner too!

Brush twice a week but is also at short-haired badgers advised.

Sofas and rugs are relentlessly collecting those extraneous hairs!

Character & temperament of a Labrador Dachshund Mix

Dachshunds are for her self-employed beings known. They have that with that working dog Labrador retrievers together. But then the similarities in the systems are over it depends again on the dominance of genes!

A dachshund is also known to be on Stubborn can switch. However, Labradors are famous for their long-suffering and you uncomplicated being.

It is not possible to determine in advance which character traits will be more intense in your Dachsador.

However, with a good upbringing and early habituation to the family and different situations the There is a probability that the good qualities will prevail even if the dachshund side is dominant.

Both breeds are considered popular with families and loyal against their holders. The dachshund likes to do this too loudly known when he meets strangers or other dogs for the first time.

The combination with that open The Labrador temperament softens these traits of the Dachshund somewhat, making it easier to train as a social creature. Patience on your part may be required.

Once you have settled into your family and household, you have a four-legged friend who will be by your side in all situations. Her temperament teach them walks or jogs happy to use.

The wisdomnot only on the part of the extremely intelligent Labrador Retriever, supports the learning successes your badger. Still use generous praise and now and then a treat will quickly produce results.

attitude & upbringing

Source: https://flic.kr/p/oovDWg

Since both dog breeds happy and balanced beings are given enough exercise and mental challenge as well, they can be kept in an apartment.

In any case, when preparing for your new four-legged roommate, you should enough space think for him. dog basket and dog blanket as well as toys are always an advantage.

Your breeder will be happy to help you with tips and experience.

The first educational measures are usually also taken by reputable breeders. Especially with regard to housebreaking. Which doesn’t mean that you can automatically assume it!

The Dachsador is definitely a bundle of energy. However, it should be noted that if the dachshund is dominant, its joy of movement is slowed down when it comes to stairs or jumps.

Early education and socialization not only include following commands, but above all that Getting to know different people, other dogs and different situations.

If you get your puppy used to friends, encounters with strangers in the park, driving the car or train early on, you will later find them to be good companions in all situations.

Breeding & Health

Due to the size differences between Labrador retrievers and dachshunds, insemination is often artificial. A reputable breeder will also exercise due diligence here and explain their views to you.

The elongated physique of the dachshund stops often Back problems ready for him. This can also show up in your Dachsador.

The eye diseases on the part of Labradors are also recognized again and again in Labrador Dachshund Mix puppies. Dachshunds also have these and they can hardly be avoided.

A reputable breeder will always ensure that the parents of his puppies healthy are and try to rule out genetic problems. Regular check-ups at the vet included.

With the right exercise, games and fun in everyday life as well as dog-friendly Nourishment and more regular Care can many difficulties prevented become.

Your breeder and your vet are your first point of contact for this!

Life expectancy

From the parent of dachshund the long lifespan comes from 16 years. A Labrador Retriever delighted over good 10 to 12 years.

For your Badger does this mean one average life expectancy of 12 to 14 years. However, friendships between dog and owner of 15 years have already been seen.

What is there to consider with Dachsador puppies?

Labrador Dachshund Mix puppies cost several hundred euros. A reputable breeder will do that too proper documentation on the puppy’s health and his parents can show.

Show your pup that you’re the alpha of the house by taking up his training quickly. Then a possible stubbornness of the dachshund can’t have any impact.

Source cover photo: https://flic.kr/p/5sjKmD