Portrait of the Appenzell Mountain Dog Labrador Mix (with pictures)

Hybrid dogs like that Appenzell Mountain Dog Labrador Retriever Mix are on the rise. But why actually?

Why does the whole world want to breed their dogs to be what they like instead of giving a chance to the dogs that already live on this earth?

This question and everything you Appenzell Mountain Dog Labrador Retriever Mix need to know, you will find out in this article.

We hope you enjoy reading!

The most important facts about the Appenzeller Labrador Mix:

Size & Life Expectancy: about 50 – 60 centimeters, about 12 years

character: Lively, active, reliable, friendly, gentle

special feature: So far, little is known about this hybrid dog breed.

Appearance of the Appenzell Labrador Mix

A Mixed breed of Appenzell Mountain Dog and Labrador Retriever can come in many different forms.

If you sign up for a hybrid dog (a hybrid of two dog breeds that are intentionally mated with each other), you can always opt for a small one surprise package catch up.

There’s no telling exactly what your Appenzeller Labrador Mix will look like.

He can get the color of the Appenzeller Sennenhund (Black Tri or Red Tri) as well as the black, chocolate brown or yellow coat of the Labrador. It will be short and to the point.

Both dog breeds are also similar in physique. They are strong and muscular, the Appi being a little taller than the Labbi.

Good to know:

You shouldn’t choose your dog based on their looks anyway, but follow your heart. Of course, it is not only important, but absolutely necessary to deal extensively with the characteristics of a breed. Appearance shouldn’t be the deciding factor. However, if you are considering adopting a mixed breed, you should always be aware that you will receive a «non-standard» surprise package. All dogs bring their own personality and that’s a good thing. They are living beings.

Height & Weight of a Labrador Appenzell Mix

Since both dog breeds have a muscular and strong physique have, which is similar in both size and weight, you can look forward to a format of 50 to 60 centimeters shoulder height at about 25 to 30 kilograms be happy.

Character & nature of the Labrador Appenzeller Mix

When intentionally mating two breeds of dog, the goal is to combine the best qualities of both dogs.

Both the Appenzell Mountain Dog and the Labrador Retriever are good-natured, reliable dogs with a strong personality.

They love shared activities with their humans and absolutely need close ones family connection.

An Appenzeller Labrador Mix becomes a healthy temper Bring along and we’d love to learn with and from you. This mix is ​​also excellent for many dog ​​sports.

Attributes that definitely apply to the Labrador Appenzeller Mix: Athleticism, endurance, curiosity, joie de vivre, charm and wit.

This sociable mongrel won’t have a hard time winning heart after heart. Anyone who dares to have a big dog as their first dog can easily land an uncomplicated hit with the Labbi Sennenmix.

Keeping and training a Labrador Appenzell mixed breed

The Labrador Appenzeller mix is one for house and garden. In a small city apartment, the medium-sized to large dog would feel less comfortable.

Since the Appenzeller Sennenhund has a distinct wakefulness brings with him, clear limits should be set from the start. Such a task as a permanent watchdog would otherwise quickly become exhausting for dog and owner.

One loving and consistent upbringing should be enjoyed by every dog, no matter what age. It is not important that your dog knows all the commands inside out, but that you get along well with each other, everyone is relaxed and your dog does not pose a danger to you or others.

If you are unsure what the right upbringing for your Appenzeller Labbi Mix looks like, you are welcome to get advice from a local dog trainer!

Breeding & Health of an Appenzell Labrador Mix

Both the Labrador Retriever and the Appenzell Mountain Dog are considered healthy and robust dog breeds.

Nevertheless, in most dog breeds there is a known hereditary disease that can be passed on through irresponsible breeding. It is therefore incredibly important that only healthy dogs are allowed for breeding.

Since hybrid dogs are not subject to any official breed standard, offspring is always exciting. Character and appearance can only be predicted to a limited extent.

Parents of either of these breeds should be thoroughly screened for musculoskeletal disorders such as ED, HD or Osteochondrosis and other hereditary diseases!

What is there to consider with Appenzell Labrador puppies?

If you have your mind set on one Appenzell Labrador Mix puppies to adopt, then make sure to pay attention to where your puppy comes from!

  • Does he come from serious and loving breeding?
  • How do the breeders affect you? can you get rid of all your questions
  • How do the puppies grow up? Is everything clean and nice for the animals?
  • Are the puppies healthy and well?
  • Can you get to know the parent animals? Are there health certificates for both parents?
  • At what age are the puppies released?
  • Are the prices for the puppies reasonable or horrendous?
  • What does your gut feeling tell you, does something seem strange to you?

It’s important that you engage with these questions so you don’t end up with the wrong people. What are the wrong people?

Unscrupulous breeders who breed for profit and to the detriment of the animals. They don’t care if the dogs are healthy. They just want your money. Even if you feel sorry for the puppies, you should not support these people. The only way to put an end to the puppy mafia, sooner or later, is to stop supporting it!

heart’s desire:

Unfortunately, the question of why there are so many designer dogs and associated torment breeds these days can only be justified by the fact that some people do not think. We feel that the whole breeding business needs to be narrowed down a bit because there are already so many dogs in the world that don’t have homes. What do you think about that?

Conclusion: Appenzell Labrador Mix – a successful mix?

Yes the Appenzeller Sennenhund Labrador Mix is ​​definitely a successful mix – if it comes from responsible breeding.

Not too much is known about this hybrid dog breed.

Both dog breeds are in any case insanely great characters. As long as when mating always on the animal health care is taken when Appenzeller Labbi Mix determined very clever, loving, friendly, adventurous and affectionate dogs.

Do you still have questions about the Appenzell Mountain Dog or the Labrador Retriever? We strongly encourage you to research these two breeds separately if you are considering one Mixed breed of Appenzell Mountain Dog and Labrador Retriever are interested Feel free to let us know if you have any questions!